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a woman dead, her son seriously. They investigate the carabinieri

Tragedy in the Tintoretto area where one donna today it was found dead in his apartment, in via Grotte d’Arcaccio, at street number 148. A story on which the carabinieri of the EUR are investigating, at the moment without excluding any leads. To outline the story in yellow, in fact, there are the very serious conditions in which the victim’s son finds himself with a conspicuous wound to the eye with a harpoon embedded in the eyeball.

It all started when, around 9, the firefighters went to the place alerted for a fire that broke out right inside that apartment. Arrived on the spot, 15 minutes after nine in the morning, the macabre discovery: the woman found dead and the son with an eye wound, immediately medicated by the 118 health workers who noticed that – with an ambulance – they brought the man in red code to the Sant’Eugenio hospital.

And so while the team 11 A of the EUR detachment and a tank truck of the fire brigade extinguished the fire, the EUR carabinieri arrived in via d’Arcaccio. According to an initial finding that emerged from the experts of via Genova, the fire it would have flared up in the bedroom and the thick smoke released also affected a portion of the kitchen.

To understand, however, how it broke out. As well as to clarify it will also be in what way and why the man had those serious eye injuries. Not only that, the woman found dead, according to an initial analysis, would have a conspicuous wound on her face. To find out more, the arrival of the coroner – then the subsequent autopsy – and the scientific analysis of the Arma’s Investigative Unit will be necessary. At the moment no hypothesis is excluded.

firefighters fire tintoretto1-2

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