Depression is a very common mental health disorder. The World Health Organization estimates that depression affects 3.4 percent of the population. of the world’s population, which is almost 269 million people.
Depression is a condition characterized by a sad, depressed mood with an inability to experience pleasure or diminished interests that previously provided pleasure and satisfaction. Suffering from depression is usually accompanied by a decrease in energy and slowness of thinking and movement.
When we feel the symptoms of depression, we are not always in a hurry to seek help. First of all, we try to avoid them: we sleep longer and more, we rest more, we spend less time in nature, we move less. We associate the symptoms we experience with tension at work, stress, unexpected events in our personal life or on a global scale, or justify it with the phrase “it’s just the time”, when in fact we feel that something is wrong. I invite you not to ignore the first symptoms of depression, pay attention to them and seek help from a well-being consultant.
The clients of Wellbeing Counselors are adults aged 18 and over who are experiencing mild symptoms of depression. We consult live at the public health office of the Klaipėda district municipality in Gargždaii, Klaipėdos st. 11 and Priekulė, Klaipėdos st. 4-2. Consultations are free, anonymous and easily accessible – no GP referral required.
It is only necessary to register in advance by e-mail. by mail [email protected] or tel. +370 659 46 603.
The services are provided within the implementation of the funded 2014-2021 The European Economic Area Financial Mechanism program “Health” project “Ensuring access to mental health services of Klaipėda district municipality” (LT03-1-SAM-K03-007).
The information was prepared by the welfare consultant of the public health office of Klaipėda district municipality
Greta Račkauskaitė

2023-04-18 12:19:41
#wellbeing #counselor #deal #depression