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A weekend covid record fell in the Czech Republic on Saturday

There are now over 13,000 infected in the country. Most have a mild course of the disease. 297 people are hospitalized with covid-19, 69 of them are in a difficult condition. This follows from data on the website of the Ministry of Health.

This week, there have been approximately 6,600 confirmed cases of the disease in the Czech Republic. Laboratories have also been testing more in recent days. From Tuesday to Thursday, they always performed more than 15,000 tests, on Friday it was a record 18,200 tests. Their total number has already exceeded one million.

Until Friday, the proportion of positive tests increased. It was less than five percent on Monday, over seven percent on Tuesday and Wednesday, and more than nine percent on Thursday. It fell slightly to about eight percent on Friday.

The worst situation is now in the Plzeň-jih district, where almost 161 infected people have grown per 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days. This is followed by Kladensko, where laboratories have registered about 140 infected people per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days. In Prague, there are about 134 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, only slightly better is the Beroun region.

On Friday, the ministry updated the so-called traffic light, which shows the risk of infection in the regions on a map. In the second orange stage, next to Prague, there are new districts of Beroun, Kladno, Kolín, Prague-East and Uherské Hradiště. In these five districts, the opening hours of catering facilities will be limited from Monday, September 14, as now in the capital. Restaurants and bars will need to be closed daily between midnight and 06:00. Traffic restrictions will also apply to all other Central Bohemian districts, even if they are green on the map.

Regions across the country, with the exception of Silesia, have recently moved to the green alert level, which indicates the occurrence of the disease without community transmission. Instead of the current ten, there are 40 such areas.

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From Thursday, due to the worsening epidemic situation, it is mandatory to wear a veil indoors inside buildings throughout the country. Since the beginning of September, the obligation to protect your mouth and nose when traveling by public transport or visiting offices and medical and social facilities has been in force.

Since March 1, when the first cases of coronavirus infection appeared in the Czech Republic, 34,744 infections have been recorded. More than 21,000 of them recovered from the disease and 453 people with covid-19 died.

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