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A week to promote science and innovation in the territory of Clermont Auvergne Métropole

What is Clermont Innovation Week? To the ear, it probably sounds more modern than the Clermont-Ferrand innovation week. Above all, this makes it possible to differentiate it from the Science Festival organized in the fall by the Ministry of Higher Education. Since 2018, on the territory of the Metropolis, this Clermont Innovation Week (CIW for friends) is the highlight dedicated to the actors of science, research and innovation. This year, there are still many of them to mobilize to offer a program of varied and inspiring events from April 6 to 16.

Science, its dissemination and its promotion will therefore be in the spotlight. Without forgetting innovation, which can be technological, digital or organizational, but also social, societal and green.

Meet the actors of innovation

“These ten days of entertainment will thus allow the general public to meet all those who make the Clermont Métropole a territory of science and innovation”, indicates Clermont Auvergne Métropole, which is organizing this event with many public and private partners.

No less than 60 meetings are offered to question and shake up received ideas through exhibitions, conferences, open houses, new encounters, workshops or demonstrations. All around six major themes: The industry of the future; I love science! ; The world in transition; Undertake and collaborate; arts and culture; and Tomorrow’s Health.

For this, events are planned throughout the metropolitan territory and a new route has been imagined at the heart of Clermont Auvergne University and the I-Site CAP 2025 program. Particular attention has been paid to the school program and with a content adapted to allow the youngest to familiarize themselves with the challenges of research and innovation, to question themselves, to discover, to experiment, while being able to enroll in the framework of educational projects.

Schoolchildren and students in the spotlight

Students will also be at the heart of this fifth edition. The context of recent years has led to isolation for all, and has particularly impacted students both personally and professionally. This CIW will therefore be keen to put meetings and exchanges back at the center of the program: events on campuses, festive moments, opening of schools and laboratories at Clermont Auvergne University, sharing of experiences around entrepreneurship, recruitment, new professions in the industry, etc.

Find all our articles related to science

The Clermont Innovation Week is the result of a vast collective mobilization with events organized by associations, informal collectives, companies and start-ups, communities or even researchers from the territory. “Multifaceted events to allow the general public, schoolchildren, students and professionals to discover the latest scientific advances in order to better understand our environment and the major current and future challenges”, insists the Metropolis.

Find the complete program of the Clermont Innovation Week by clicking here

Fabrice Mina

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