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A weak cold front is bringing drier air to parts of the Houston region’s interior

Good morning. The popular but rather weak front swept through Houston overnight. This will bring some cooler, drier nights to the region, particularly for areas north of Interstate 10, further away from the influence of the Gulf of Mexico. Some chance of decent rain returns Thursday or Friday for the coastal areas, but for now we expect it to take the form of mostly scattered showers rather than something organized.


Today’s high temperatures will reach the lowest 90 degrees for most of the metropolitan area, with sunny skies. Winds will be light, generally north around 5 mph. Conditions tonight will be pleasant, compared to typical summer conditions, as dew points drop in the mid-1960s over most of the offshore region. This is not dry air at all, but it is drier than what we have experienced. Monday night lows are expected to drop below 70 degrees for inland areas, with lows in the 1970s closer to the coast.

Low temperatures predicted for Tuesday and Wednesday (shown) above will be lower than seen. (weather bell)


On Tuesday the highs will be back to the low 90s, with sunny skies. If anything, the air should be a little drier during the day and Tuesday evenings, so expect another nice night in the area, until Wednesday morning. Wednesday Dry air persists through Wednesday and this morning has the potential for the lowest temperatures of the week, with lows perhaps in the mid-1960s for inland areas. We are looking forward to another day with sunny skies and highs in the 90s.

Thursday and Friday

At some point, flow should be restored, leading to wetter conditions. For coastal areas, this humidity, coupled with the sea breeze, could start to bring some afternoon showers and thunderstorms. However, the chances of rain will be significantly lower for areas within Interstate 10. Highs should be around the 1990s for much of the region, with mostly sunny skies.

NOAA’s rain accumulation forecast through Sunday suggests a dry week awaits. (weather bell)

Saturday and Sunday

This pattern will likely persist throughout the weekend, giving us mostly sunny skies and highs in the lower 90s. Chances of rain, in general, seem to be pretty low this weekend, so plan your outdoor activities with safety and plenty of bug spray.

Tropical zone

We’ll have a full summary of tropical activity in a post later this morning, anticipating what to expect in the next week or 10 days as we begin to approach the likely end of hurricane season for Texas.

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