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A warmongering patriarch divides the Orthodox Church | War in Ukraine

In fact, his holinessborn Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundiayev in Leningrad in 1946, is an enthusiastic warmonger and a staunch supporter of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. We will win: the icon will protect the Russian army and speed up our victoryhe said during a sermon at the end of February, thus blessing a military operation destined to fight the forces of evil.

In his homily on March 6, he added a layer of this by calling the invasion a Holy war.

Slayer of disbelievers

Fight the forces of evil? A holy war? Rousskii Miran orthodox and nationalist universe turned towards traditional values”,”text”:”For years, Patriarch Kyrill has been propagating the idea of ​​a Rousskii Mir, or an orthodox and nationalist universe turned towards traditional values”} }”>For years, Patriarch Kyrill has been propagating the idea of ​​a Rousskii Miri.e. an orthodox and nationalist universe turned towards traditional valuesexplains Lucian Turcescu, eminent professor of theology at Concordia University since 2005 and specialist in the links between politics and religion in Eastern Europe.

purethe threat of a perverted, decadent, moralless West”,”text”:”The Moscow Patriarchate opposes this idea of ​​a pure Russia with the threat of a perverted, decadent, moralless West”}} “>The Moscow Patriarchate opposes this idea of ​​a “pure Russia” with the threat of a perverted, decadent, morally immoral West.specifies the researcher, established in Canada since 1992. Cyrille is particularly against homosexuality and abortion.

For the patriarch, the war in Ukraine falls on the Westerners who want to impose this kind of sins on the good Russian people, to defile them, adds Mr. Turcescu, whom we joined by videoconference in Bucharest, Romania, his native country, where he is currently staying. Professor Turcescu is struck by the tension currently reigning around him. Seen from Romania, the war is in no way an abstract reality, contrary to the perception one may have of it in Canada. He describes the presence of NATO soldiers and the overflight of the territory by military planes.

The region is therefore clearly on the alert and, more personally, the theologian is too. He is part of a group of Orthodox theologians, priests and deacons who have signed a theological condemnation of the fascistic ideology promoted by the Moscow Patriarchate. Published on Sunday March 13, this religious manifesto which describes Kyrill as unworthy of the Orthodox religion is signed by a growing number of personalities.

It is a historic manifesto denouncing the unworthy use of the name of Godsummarizes Professor Turcescu, who compares the manifesto to the declaration of Barmen, a theological text against the Nazi regime, written and published by Protestants in Germany in 1934.

Vladimir Putin with the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church

Photo : Reuters / SPUTNIK

Faithful as spoils of war

To understand the patriarch Kyrill’s taste for war, you have to go back a little in time. In 2018, a schism occurs within the Orthodox Church in Ukraine. Part of the clergy decided to have the Patriarchate of Constantinople recognize [Istanbul]the supreme theological authority in the Orthodox world, a Ukrainian Orthodox Church independent of the Moscow Patriarchate explains Professor Turcescu.

This division of the faithful does not suit Moscow which, as a result, loses faithful and influence.Moscow is only its political seat “,”text”:”According to the ideology of Kyrill, the capital of Ukraine, kyiv is the holy city of the Orthodox Church and of the Russki Mir (Russian world). Moscow, is only the political headquarters “}}”>According to Kyrill’s ideology, the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, is the holy city of the Orthodox Church and the Russki Mir [le monde russe]. Moscow is only the political headquarters, he says again. It must therefore be understood that the patriarch sees in this war an opportunity to recover his flock and his marbles.

Patriarch, smuggler and ex-KGB spy

Even if his devotees call him Your HolinessCyrille has nothing to do with an altar boy. He never publicly acknowledged it, but he was an important agent of the Russian secret services during the Cold War.claims Professor Turcescu, who believes that the Patriarch and Vladimir Putin met when they were both KGB agents.

The Concordia professor cites various academic and historical sources to support this astonishing information. Indeed, Cyril was mentioned under the code name of Mikhaïlov in the archives of the Soviet era that a parliamentary commission of inquiry of the Duma had been able to consult in the early 1990s.

He had become a spy in particular as a representative of the Russian Patriarchate at the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Geneva. Cyril’s predecessor, Alexis II, was also a KGB spy.

And it’s not the only one originality in the road map of the man of the Church. Several journalistic investigations of the Novaïa Gazetaan independent Russian newspaper, revealed the involvement of the man now known as Cyril in huge illegal traffic in alcohol and tobacco, thanks to which the man would have become immensely rich.

As an archbishop, he became chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department of Foreign Affairs and took advantage of the war in Iraq in the early 2000s to further increase his immense fortune. The Russian-recognized cigarette trade in Iraq was entrusted to the Russian Church, which charged tithes. In 2006, the Moscow Times already estimated his personal fortune at four billion dollars.

Russia is by far the largest Orthodox country in the world with over 100 million followers. The Russian Patriarchate is also the authority of several Orthodox churches elsewhere in the world. However, says Professor Turcescu, more and more Orthodox bishops, in Ukraine or elsewhere, now refuse to pray for the primate of their Church.

?”,”text”:”Is it normal, raises the researcher that a representative of the faith, have Putin’s arms blessed?”}}”>Is it normal, asks the researcher, for a representative of the faith to have Putin’s arms blessed? Indeed, priests under the authority of Cyril even blessed Kalashnikovs.

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