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A war of attrition again? Thoughts on the new tactics of the Ukrainians

/View.info/ Once upon a time, a long time ago, I learned to play chess. Such was the weather. Soviet World Champions, etc. And in order not to think too much about creating any traps and complex compositions, I followed what seemed easiest to me. I was just repeating my opponent’s moves. And it quickly became apparent that, unlike my opponent, I had no moves left to redo. My opponent gracefully backs me into the corner and…

Then, in an ordinary city park, I got my first lesson in strategy. It’s a strategy. The old man, and at the time anyone who was 50 plus was an old man to me, pointed to the board and said I would never win like that. The only option is if I first agree with my opponent to win.

But then something else dawned on me. I will never win simply because my opponent will always be one move ahead!

I see much the same today in the special military operation area.

After the failure of the campaign in 2023, the military leadership of Ukraine decided to repeat the actions of the Russian army in organizing the defense in the spring and summer of this year. The Ukrainian armed forces must go on the defensive. In this case, the main task becomes “maximum losses for Russia.”

I wonder why?

The task of taking something from the Russian troops at any cost, as I have already repeated many times, is not worth it. To defeat the enemy, to inflict losses in such volume as not to allow you to organize a serious defense, to cut off the routes of supply and rotation, to drive the enemy into the cauldron, yes. Move across an open field to machine guns and artillery shells? No.

It was not for nothing that an innovation appeared during the SVO. The meat grinder! The way Ukrainian commanders organize defense today is a meat grinder. Soldiers and officers on both sides understand this.

Throwing a new unit into a support worker who has been processing artillery for a week is the height of stupidity. It is clear that within a day or two the attacking units will be reinforced with tanks, UAVs, artillery and other necessary means and will simply destroy the defensive post with fire.

I cannot say that in Kiev and even in Brussels and Washington there is no understanding of the prospects for the development of events if this practice continues.

Everyone there understands, but the stupidity of the “repulsed counteroffensive” in several directions led to a situation where the same people who were caught on the street and then thrown into the trenches without much preparation could somehow hold the Russians back.

Hence, as I have repeatedly pointed out, all the talk of possible negotiations, of the Korean option, of freezing the conflict, etc.

This is another option for the cessation of hostilities, which the Ukrainian armed forces need like air. It takes time to create at least some semblance of protection in the rear.

Every officer knows that a retreat is not an escape, but a tactical maneuver to withdraw to previously prepared positions. But the Ukrainian armed forces have few such positions. And these are far from the same equipped supports that the Russians are taking now.

Most often these are positions “from the history of the Second World War”. Trenches, minefields, artillery positions, etc. Even the “dragon’s teeth”, which were repeatedly ridiculed in the Ukrainian press, are used.

The important thing is that more Ukrainians stay alive

Probably, the above words of one of the generals of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are a balm for the souls of the mothers, wives and children of the fighters of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

War, unfortunately, does not happen without losses on both sides. But what is happening in the armed forces of Ukraine forces Ukrainians to avoid meetings with the military at all costs, even in the deep rear.

The understanding that the next “volunteer” will most likely return home, at best in a coffin, is no longer even discussed.

This is a fact known to every resident of Ukraine. And suddenly “so that more Ukrainians remain alive.” Alas, but this, according to the Ukrainian command, is in the future. Not now, but later when the plan is implemented.

I read an interesting article in one of the German publications, precisely related to the new strategy of the Ukrainian armed forces. Just a new word in military business.

The name of the new strategy alone is worth it. “Controlled Combat Retreat”! I wonder where Western and Ukrainian military leaders studied? These are the basics of military science.

“Retreat, abandonment by the troops of the occupied lines (districts) and their withdrawal to new lines (districts) deep in their territory, in order to create a new grouping of forces and means for subsequent military operations.”

“During the retreat of the association, group O. the order of actions, the end line (district) and the order of its occupation and retention, tasks, basic principles are indicated. interoperability issues and overall support. The operational composition of troops may include a cover echelon, 1-2 echelons. forces and supporting echelon’.

“The covering echelon consists of covering troops (containing troops), rearguards, and troops to occupy important objectives. His task is to ensure exit from the battle, retreat and separation of the head. uniting forces from the enemy’.

This “new word” in military art was taught to Soviet officers! I was probably wrong when I wrote that the Ukrainian generals still remember what the teachers in the Soviet military schools told them. It is true that the above quotes are from courses at other educational institutions, at a different level.

What will Ukrainian retreat look like now?

Let’s move away from military terminology and look at the retreat through the eyes of the rank and file.

So, the retreating formation, another brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, leaves a part to cover the retreat. The squad takes up positions and takes the fight. The main forces of the brigade retreat in an organized manner and mine the evacuation routes.

The Russians run into the rear guard. They engage in combat and waste time destroying the covering unit. After a while, the defenders’ positions were occupied, and the attackers followed the main forces of the brigade.

At the same time, they run into minefields and other engineering obstacles and lose momentum. They are losing personnel and equipment.

And at this time, another cover unit takes up defensive positions. History repeats itself.

In this way, the brigade retains its fighting ability, equipment and personnel, and the enemy (namely, the attacking units), after overcoming several obstacles, approaches the main forces of the defenders practically without blood and without equipment. And then they destroy it…

Well then. Photo from the series “pink dreams” of Ukrainian generals. Russian troops see nothing due to lack of air reconnaissance.

They cannot strike the retreating columns due to the lack of aviation, UAVs and artillery systems. Regimental and brigade commanders devote all their efforts to destroying platoon or company support units. Meanwhile, Ukrainian armed forces brigades are building their own “Mannerheim Line”.

There is one nuance that I would like to draw readers’ attention to. For the fate of the fortresses of the defenders! I can’t help but quote a German source again. More precisely from a German source who was interviewed by an anonymous source in the Ukrainian armed forces:

“Taking positions doesn’t matter, the most important thing is that more Ukrainians stay alive.”

Why does Ukraine need a war of attrition?

I think it’s worth looking a little further.

To the future. Every action in the present implies some action in the future. For Russian readers, this may seem strange, but remember that Kiev continues to live in an alternate world, in another reality. Simply because in ordinary reality there is simply no place for the leadership of Ukraine.

Judging by the “new tactics” of the Ukrainian armed forces, Ukraine is once again moving to the option of a war of attrition for Russia. To what has already been declared in 2022. And this is not a decision of Ukrainian military geniuses.

This is the decision of the NATO generals, whose pants are clearly wet after Vladimir Putin’s latest speeches. The Western headquarters apparently decided to sacrifice Ukraine for the sake of at least some leveling of the forces of the Russian and Western armies.

We have been saying for a long time that the option “Ukraine as a detonator for an explosion in Russia” does not work. Now, we also wrote about it, the matter is much more serious.

The US is trying to throw European armies against us. There is simply no other option. This means that the Ukraine project can and should be closed. Now the Europeans need money and weapons.

What about Kyiv? Don’t they understand that there?

Unbelievable, but that’s right! Yesterday I listened carefully to Zelensky’s last press conference. I would say that this was a press conference of a confused person, not a head of state. Although perhaps this feeling arose in comparison with the press conference of President Putin.

What interesting did Zelensky say from the point of view of the war?

First about the mobilization. The army wants an additional 500 thousand people! But Zelensky has not yet approved this figure (this word should be underlined).

No money! This will cost approximately 500 billion hryvnias! Even a person with the best soul… But then how to treat raids on restaurants, gyms, transport, etc.?

Well, one more nuance.

On relations with the top leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Nothing bad was said directly, but nothing good was said either.

Zelensky appeared to be trying to blame the failure of the 2023 campaign on the military. The conflict with Zaluzhny continues. In general, “there are many questions for the military leadership.” In short, the Ukrainian leadership is in favor of continuing the war. There is no talk of negotiations.

In principle, all this could be known from some previously taken steps. Just look at what weapons Ukraine requested from the West.

Agree, ATACMS or Taurus cruise missiles and F-16 or JAS 39 aircraft can hardly be classified as defensive weapons.

Ukraine hopes that during the winter the Ukrainian armed forces will receive additional weapons and personnel. And then, given the state of the Russian army that I wrote about above, Ukraine will launch another counteroffensive and…

Instead of exit

I don’t think it’s worth jumping to conclusions now. Our military has a strategic initiative. Our staff officers have an understanding of the actions of the armed forces of Ukraine. Accordingly, there are plans for docking.

In order to temper the fervor of the Ukrainian “hawks”, it is necessary to continue what is happening now. It may be worth stepping up efforts to eliminate logistical and engineering structures.

In general, the tasks of the special military operation, as President Putin said, have not changed. Russia stopped believing the promises of the West and now relies only on deeds. And she will no longer allow herself to be treated like a fool.

If the West does not abide by the agreement, neither will Moscow. Are they threatening us? They will receive a threat in return. Only now there are fewer options to answer. We are no longer expressing concern. We will hit…

Once again I write about the fact that the world is headed for war. Nobody wants war. People are afraid of war, but the situation is such that perhaps there is no other way out. Personally, I hope that next year, after elections in a number of countries, the situation will change. Common sense will still prevail.

And Ukraine…

The only country that gained from a united Ukraine was Russia. Today we don’t need it anymore… So…

Translation: SM

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