Home » today » World » A vote of no confidence was presented to Minister Juuso – Harkimo criticized the government: “One can only be ashamed” – 2024-04-23 19:32:54

A vote of no confidence was presented to Minister Juuso – Harkimo criticized the government: “One can only be ashamed” – 2024-04-23 19:32:54

An interim question about the shutdown of the hospital network was discussed in Parliament.

On Tuesday, the Parliament discussed the opposition’s interim question regarding the shutdown of the hospital network. The midterm question can be found here.

Minister of Social Affairs and Health Kaisa Juuso (ps) answered the interim question submitted by the opposition at the beginning of the plenary session and defended Petteri Orpon (kok) the government’s social security decisions.

The first signatory of the interim question Kim Berg (sd) criticized the government’s communication in his speech and said that responsible minister Juuso had read about the government’s decisions in a newspaper.

– Four men go to the sauna and make decisions past the responsible minister, Berg said.

Berg was referring to this Matias Marttinen (kok), Ville Vähämäki (ps), To Otto Andersson (r) yes to Peter Östman (kd), who prepared the surgeries decided in the frame riot at the Defense Forces recreation center in Santahamina.

According to Berg, “the government’s deck is messed up” and responsible minister Juuso has handed over power in social security matters to the finance minister For Riikka Purra (p.s.). At the end of his speech, Berg expressed no confidence in the government.

In their own group speeches, the center, the Greens and the left-wing coalition agreed to the no-confidence motion. The Left Alliance also presented a vote of no confidence in Minister of Social Affairs and Health Juuso.

– Social and health services are at the heart of the welfare state. Now these vital services are going to be cut, without even the responsible minister knowing what the cuts are actually aimed at. The basic condition for trust is that the responsible minister knows what is happening in his own industry. I suggest that the parliament state that Minister Juuso does not enjoy the trust of the parliament, Kyllönen said.

The confidence of the government and Juuso will be voted on in Friday’s plenary session.

Full board for the board

The opposition strongly criticized the government in its group speeches.

The center Hilkka Kempin according to the government’s decisions on the centralization of specialized medical care, night shifts and the birthing unit raise concerns among both health care professionals and those who use the services.

– People ask in amazement what is happening here and who is leading this, Kemppi said.

– Scissors cut, but there are no people responsible. The line chosen by the government is cold, hard and expensive.

The greens Maria Ohisalon according to the government’s adaptation actions are not based on decisions made in the face of necessity, but are value choices.

– On the public side, queues are long and there is a shortage of nursing staff. Low-income, unemployed, multi-illness people – people who do not have access to occupational health or can afford to use private health care services – have the hardest time getting health care. It is completely unsustainable and unfair if you can get treatment quickly only with money. And if there is no money, sometimes you get treatment – or maybe you don’t get it at all, Ohisalo said.

Kyllönen said in his group speech that responsible minister Juuso promised throughout the spring that “no hospital will be shut down”.

– When you look at these decisions, so many hospitals are left with walls. Previously, the mantra was that “we save on the walls”, so what are we saving on now?

According to Liike Nyt’s Harry Harkimo, the government is driving healthcare into “complete chaos”.

– The value of a human life, let alone a soul, should never have to be measured in euros. You can’t be ashamed. In the future, we will not be able to take care of the people who have built this country, Harkimo said.

A cutting receipt from PS for Demars

Held the group speech of basic Finns Pia Sillanpää reminded the audience that the former chairman of SDP Antti Rinne promised in the government negotiations in the spring of 2019 that there is no need to cut government spending.

– I want to thank the Democrats for being straightforward. You really stuck to what you promised: you didn’t cut spending and spent significantly more money. Everyone remembers the phrase: there is money. And today you are here to wonder why we can no longer afford to maintain the current services, Sillanpää said.

According to Sillanpää, “opposition is like the result of free education”.

– That’s what it looks like when you don’t know how to say no to waste. The only thing you accomplished with the military reform of the last government period was one more level of decision-making and more money for politicians. Even that money could have been focused on social security services. But now it doesn’t help to cry in the market, we have to do what we can. In other words, get rid of secondary issues so that basic services can be maintained.

The hot debate was followed by a political reporter Marko-Oskari Lehtonen.

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The Minister of Social Affairs and Health will answer the opposition’s interim question on Tuesday. Karoliina Vuorenmäki

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