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A virtual therapy laboratory for teenagers will be set up in Latvia

Information technology company TietoEvry in cooperation with the Adolescent and Youth Psychotherapy Center is developing a virtual therapy laboratory, which in the pilot project is planned to be implemented by the end of this year, TietoEvry marketing and communication specialist Inga Grencberga told LETA.

She explained that the pilot project aims to provide psychotherapy sessions with virtual augmented reality assistance. The first and second phases of the pilot project, which include solution development, testing and initiation of therapies, are scheduled for the end of 2021.

“Of course, during the pilot project we hope to find an opportunity to implement this solution permanently, both with us, TietoEvry, and in the field of psychotherapy in general, attracting institutions and specialists throughout Latvia,” said Grencberga.

According to her, all costs related to the establishment of a virtual therapy laboratory are currently covered by TietoEVRY. This includes the development of a solution, the provision of facilities and technology, as well as, in the second phase of the pilot project, the provision of free therapy for five to ten children.

In total, around 25 children’s consultations are planned per week, some of which will have access to TietoEvry funding. However, stakeholders are committed to exploring the possibility of linking this service to the newly introduced, state-funded consultations for psychologists and psychotherapists.

It is intended that the virtual therapy laboratory using next-generation technologies will improve the mental health of adolescents and young people. The company explained that given that during a pandemic physical distance must be observed, national restrictions must be observed and the risk of infection must be reduced, the pilot project will have the advantage of acquiring important emotion control skills in remote contact with a specialist.

Valērija Vārna, Head of TietoEvry Latvia Branch.

“It is a successful collaboration between mental health professionals and information technology experts not only in Latvia, but also in Finland. The beneficiaries will be end-users – children, adolescents and their families. The virtual therapy laboratory is a promise of innovation to make such services more accessible to people, so the future ambition is to use the therapy method in the regions as well. ”

A study by the Adolescent and Adolescent Psychotherapy Center found that during the Covid-19 pandemic, mental health deteriorated in the majority or 74% young people, of which almost one in four admits that mental health has deteriorated significantly. The main consequences of mental ill health are not only learning difficulties, depression, depression, harassing thoughts and irritability, but also excessive use of computers and social media.

The signed memorandum envisages, as a matter of priority, the attraction of specialists and a training process in order to create preconditions for the operation of the virtual therapy laboratory in “Jaunoje Teika”, Gustava Zemgala gatve 76, by April.

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