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A violent flu wave hits Switzerland: here are the reasons


what we knowThat’s why the flu wave is hitting Switzerland so hard – and it’s coming

The flu hits Switzerland unexpectedly. What’s next? The most important questions and answers.


Daniel Graff

Claudia Blumer

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Switzerland is hit by a violent flu wave. Children and young people are particularly affected. After the holidays, it will also be the turn of the elderly, says infectious disease specialist Urs Karrer.


The flu wave started four weeks earlier this year than in years before the pandemic.

The flu wave started four weeks earlier this year than in years before the pandemic.

20mins/Celia Noggler


Talk “Science Personal” at the Salzhaus – Urs Karrer is head physician of the cantonal hospital in Winterthur, was vice president of the federal Covid task force.


Here’s what it is

  • Influenza numbers are on the rise in almost all of Switzerland, as the federal situation report shows.

  • The flu started four weeks earlier this year than in years before the pandemic.

  • It could be a serious flu wave, says infectious disease specialist Urs Karrer. It’s good that the school holidays are starting.

Switzerland listed a serious flu epidemic as the latest situation report from the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) shows. All surveillance systems available showed a significant increase the most frequently detected virus is influenza, followed by Covid-19 by a clear margin. Particularly affected are the Central Plateau and the age groups from 5 to 14 years. The most important questions and answers.

Why is there such an extreme flu epidemic?
There are several reasons for this. On the one hand, according to the infectious disease specialist Huldrych Günthard, we have gone through the past few years minus the protective measures come into contact with flu viruses. “Viruses are now free and people are getting sick.” Furthermore, there are indications that the immune system is weakened for a while after coronary heart disease. According to infectious disease specialist Urs Karrer, chief physician of the Kantonsspital Winterthur, the flu wave will also come this year about a month before compared to pre-pandemic years (see image).

The flu wave started about four weeks earlier this year than in years before the pandemic.

The flu wave started about four weeks earlier this year than in years before the pandemic.


Is there an end in sight or will it get worse?
You are already reaching the peak of previous flu waves, says Urs Karrer. If the numbers rise as vehemently over the next two to three weeks, it will be a major flu epidemic. If the maximum is already reached in the next few days, it will be a medium wave. The fact that the school holidays are approaching is helping to calm the situation, says Karrer.

Which is more deadly: flu or Covid?
Three years ago, Covid was 20 to 40 times more deadly than the flu, Karrer says. “However, through all the vaccinations and infections, our immunity has improved so much that Covid and seasonal flu are now equally dangerous.” The higher mortality is caused by the virus circulating more strongly among people at risk. The BAG writes: “Sometimes it leads to serious complications. This especially concerns people over the age of 65, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases, newborns and premature babies up to two years of age”.

Why get sick especially from 5 to 14 years old and less over 65?
This is often the case at the start of a flu outbreak, Karrer says. “Children have many different social contacts, so respiratory viruses can spread very quickly.” Also, there is currently more children, who have not been exposed to influenza viruses in the last two years. After the holidays at the latest, the flu wave will also reach the elderly population.

“After the holidays at the latest, the flu will also reach the elderly after children, parents and grandparents have celebrated together.”

Urs Karrer, chief physician and infectious disease specialist at the Cantonal Hospital of Winterthur

Do children and young people also die of the flu?
“During previous flu seasons, there were always children and young people, including healthy ones, who died of flu,” writes the BAG. These are usually isolated cases.

Bring the flu overload hospitals in?
According to Karrer, both RS viruses and influenza as well as Covid contribute to the fact that most emergency stations and hospitals they are overloaded. “All viruses at the same time or in quick succession can hardly be handled with exhausted staff.”

Why does the flu keep coming back?
Because the virus is changing. A particularly large number of people become ill when the virus is genetically changed and a large part of the population has not had contact with the virus in the previous season.

Can I celebrate Christmas with grandparents?
Similar to Covid, Karrer says: “Anyone with symptoms should avoid direct physical contact, keep their distance and wear a mask if necessary.” However, this is difficult with small children who have colds, where each family has to decide for itself whether the health of the grandparents or the undisturbed family celebration is more important. “If the grandparents are already in poor health, a little more caution is needed. If they’re vigorous, under 70, and are vaccinated against flu and boosted against Covid, it can take a little longer.”

How much does the vaccination protect?
How is it against Corona According to the Federal Office of Public Health, flu vaccination is also the best remedy. Since a slightly different variant of the flu virus is rampant every year, the vaccine is also adapted every year. According to a report by the US health authorities CDC, current vaccines are very well suited to the flu virus currently circulating.

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