Home » today » News » A video of Camacho comes to light in which he urges to “overthrow Morales” in Bolivia after the 2019 elections

A video of Camacho comes to light in which he urges to “overthrow Morales” in Bolivia after the 2019 elections


The governor of the Bolivian department of Santa Cruz, Luis Fernando Camacho, has admitted in a video that has recently come to light that his father, José Luis Camacho, had “closed an agreement” with the military and police to “overthrow” former president Evo Morales in 2019.

The video shows the then president of the Pro Santa Cruz Committee explaining that his father drew up a plan with a person “who offered him 6,000 miners loaded with dynamite to overthrow the president,” according to information from the newspaper ‘La Razón’.

“When we close with everything and on Saturday, before Evo Morales resigns, the guy says ‘gather all the people, all the civic at the door of the hotel, I’m going to show my face.’ Until that moment he had only spoken I already had 6,000 miners full of dynamite to enter and remove Evo Morales, “he says.

Camacho has been seen by many as a key figure in the fall of Morales after the October 2019 elections, in which the government was accused of electoral fraud. The elections were followed by a 21-day strike, a police riot, and a request for Morales to resign from the Armed Forces.

“The talk was long and he told me: ‘I am going to overthrow Evo Morales, but promise me to be president.’ I told him: ‘Right now, let’s recover democracy first. No, I guarantee that we are going to overthrow him,” says Camacho. in the video, in which he is heard recounting how the man in question claimed that there would be “trouble at the airport.” However, as Camacho himself has related, the man in question, a miner, “played two bands.”

After the controversial elections, Camacho urged the Army to be “on the side of the people” and “not to be intimidated.” In October 2019, Morales left power and left the country after allegations of electoral fraud, the OAS report that corroborated them, and the Army’s pronouncement. The crisis unleashed clashes between supporters and detractors of the indigenous leader and with the security forces that left 30 dead.

After a year of interim presidency of Jeanine Áñez, then ‘number two’ of the Senate, the MAS returned to power in the 2020 elections after harvesting 55 percent of the votes. The current president, Luis Arce, has argued that Morales’ fraud “was never proven” and that, after the 2019 elections, there was a “coup.”

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