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A victory and basta?

the essential
If successful in Bastia, from 7 p.m., the Ruthénois could unofficially ensure their maintenance if Quevilly loses in Caen. And to think that before offering Toulouse on Monday, they had not won since December 3.

Since Monday evening, thanks to the victory of Raf against Toulouse (1-0), everything has changed. The blood and gold no longer have to extricate themselves from their sad series of 18 matches without winning, including nine defeats, and, above all, no longer to run behind Quevilly, 18th, to avoid the barrage, nor to worry about a possible success of Dunkirk, penultimate. Because a draw in Bastia, this evening, would certainly preserve them from direct relegation to National, like the Normans for that matter. Even if, with six points and eight goals ahead of the Northerners, who will play on the lawn of … QRM in a week, they are already unofficially preserved. “And there is little, it was not written huh! “, recalls Aveyron coach Laurent Peyrelade.

The latter is well aware of the challenge of traveling to Corsica: “I said it again this morning (here) to the players, with 37 points, we are not maintained. For me, it takes at least 40. There, we have a chance to avoid a decisive game on the last day. “Since in the event of a triumph at Armand-Cesari combined with a defeat in Queville at its neighbor Caen, Rodez, with a three-point lead and a much better goal difference (-13 versus -17 currently), would be one of the winners of the war of maintenance… unless there is a completely improbable scenario on May 14. Namely a heavy defeat against… Caen, in Paul-Lignon, combined with a large success for Quevilly against the Dunkirks. Not to mention that Valenciennes , host of Sochaux this evening then on a trip to Niort to finish, is only one point ahead of the Piton team. Laurent Peyrelade admits: “In Bastia, at half-time, we will look at the score of Malherbe – QRM. If I was in place of the Caennais, 9th, I would want to finish higher. We are in the professional world, they will play to win.

“The problem is the state of mind”

That was for the message from Sarthois to Calvados residents. Which did he pass on to his players? “It’s not because we beat Téfécé that we are the best in the world. We hadn’t won for 18 days, so the fire… This trip to Corsica can be a huge memory, so we must above all not repeat what we did wrong. “Like those meetings during which they gave each other for only”20 or 30 minutes“. “The problem is the state of mindblows the coach. The first half in Nîmes (3-2, April 22), the guys went there one after the other and the few previous matches, it was the same! Pro football requires very, very big efforts for 95 minutes. I’m talking about 100 meter round trips. This is what makes the difference and there are players compatible with this way of thinking.“What aren’t Pierre Bardy, Jordan Leborgne and Enzo Zidane, unofficially dismissed? Laurent Peyrelade replies:”Some are not necessarily ready or need to be pricked to get in there.

Stung, the Aveyronnais could well be in Bastia, already saved but who is playing his last of the season against Armand-Cesari… in full commemoration of the thirtieth anniversary of the Furiani tragedy, which left 19 dead and 2,357 injured on the 5th. May 1992.”It’s going to be very complicated, it’s as if we were playing again against Toulouse.“More than to achieve the same result.

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