On some days the pain comes back, on others the panic: Bettina Schneider almost loses her life when a stranger rushes head-on into her car. Memories torment them for years to come.
How easily he breaks, man. In a shell of less than two square meters of skin: muscles and tendons, bones, blood, organs. Much more is not possible. A soul is sewn somewhere, perhaps into the tissue of the cell. Bettina Schneider (name changed) almost broke: on July 3, 2007, a stranger sped head-on into her car, crushing the engine, smashing her bones. Schneider, who always stood on her own two feet, can only lie down. Around the neck the ruff, the legs fixed. Schneider knows how easily people break. And how difficult it is to live with this knowledge.
A body full of scars
Bettina Schneider (60) laughs a lot when she talks about her misfortune. “I looked like a bug on my back,” she says and laughs again. She is sitting under her fig tree in the garden. Flowers in a jug, heavy scent of roses. Above her left elbow there is a slim scar with puncture marks on the left and right, like the legs of a millipede. Here the doctors cut open, mended and sewn her body back together. Bettina Schneider takes her arms to talk and laugh. Then the sleeve slips over the elbow and …