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a very small sanction now known! It’s shock!

As in all games, there is always a tenor. The 12 noon shots are a game show or applicants must respond to reflection questions. During this game, candidates are automatically eliminated until only one participant remains.


This game has known success with players extremely talented.

At the head of the masters of this game is found Christian Quesada. Discover in this article how the undisputed champion was beaten by a charming young lady.



Second biggest champion in the history of the 12 noon shots

Christian Quesada occupies the second place in the pages of this game show in front Paul and Éric. He was the incredible noon master with an incredible career to his credit: 80,000 euros of earnings after 192 wins. It didn’t take the young student as much to knock the master of this show down.

The last time Claire was in the spotlight was last September on the show of Cyril Hanouna. The young candidate said: ” the day I beat him, it went very well, we had exchanged a lot. And it’s true that I saw him a few months later on the set of the Masters’ fight and it was not the same person. “

Christian Quesada: Claire’s return to the screens

Saturday January 14, 2017, Claire saw her life take a new turn. In fact, the young student ended the prestigious reign of Christian Quesada. However, Claire decides after two winsquit the show and to devote oneself to these exams.

Three years after beating the champion, Claire remakes a brief appearance on the screens. This time, she was on the showOlivier minne and of Sidonie Bonner titled Everyone has a say. The March 12, 2019, it has not gone unnoticed by its fans and even by television channels.

The incredible master of the south always remains a taboo subject

Since his arrest in March 2019, Christian Quesada shocked his fans and the television world does not seem to be recovering from this trauma. Indeed, the former master of the south was arrested for detention and dissemination of images child pornography. He is also accused of several attempts to minor corruption.

This is also the reason why the candidates for this game show lend serment. Applicants are asked not to swear in writing that they are not being prosecuted for any offense and for no special charge. This ethical clause did not previously exist in the program.

The trial date finally known to all

After passing by one year in pretrial detention, the former champion will be tried by the court of Bourg-en-Bresse the Wednesday April 8, 2020. Because of the crisis and for the safety of people, the trial will take place in somewhat special conditions. Christian Quesada is preparing to answer for these acts in the face of jury constituted for the occasion.

On March 27, 2019, the former noon master was arrested by the competent authorities and then placed in detention. He has several accusations against him, including that of taking advantage of adolescent girls on social networks. According to several sources, he would have sent intimate photos to several young girls. A search conducted at his home to show that he also held Pictures child pornography and photos of child rape less than 10 years.

Christian Quesada will be judged by videoconference

Since pretrial detention cannot exceed one year, Christian Quesada will be brought to court. However, his trial will not be held as usual. Due to the health crisis that has raged for a few months, the former master of the south will be tried in camera. What is sure, he will answer for these acts before the justice.

As a reminder, he has already been sentenced for:

  • Detention of images of minors,
  • Exhibition and
  • Corruption.

He is running this time from severe penalties which can go up to imprisonment for several years and a heavy fine to pay. The scandal that shook the whole of France will finally know its epilogue.

Last Wednesday, Christian Quesada was therefore recognized as guilty of his actions, in particular for the possession of child pornography and for the corruption of minors. On Twitter, fans of the 12 noon shots and the French did not hesitate to share their anger. In fact, he got three years in prison only. Remember that he still won more than 800,000 euros when he was on TF1.


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