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A US delegation meets in Beirut with a deputy from the Future

A delegation from the United States Embassy in Lebanon met on Tuesday in Beirut with a deputy from Akkar and a member of the Courant du Futur, Mohammad Sleiman, as part of a tour that began last week with deputies. of the party led by former Prime Minister Saad Hariri who announced his retirement from political life, ahead of the legislative elections on May 15.

According to our correspondent Michel Hallak, the US delegation, led by Logan Brog and including adviser Fadi Hafez, conferred with Mr. Sleiman at his home in Beirut about the latest developments on the local scene and the general political situation.

A US delegation had already met last week with Hariri MPs from Akkar Walid Baarini, Tarek Merhebi and Hadi Hobeiche.

Mr. Hariri announced eight days ago that neither he nor his party would participate in the legislative elections. This decision embarrassed various parties and potential allies of Mr. Hariri, such as the Druze leader Walid Joumblatt, the head of Parliament Nabih Berry, but also Hezbollah, which in recent years had maintained a modus vivendi with the former leader. of the government. “Americans are worried about the absence of Hariri, who could consolidate the parliamentary majority of Hezbollah and its allies if the Shiite party capitalizes on the vacuum in the Sunni regions,” said Joe Macaron, an analyst specializing in the Middle. -Orient, at L’Orient-Le Jour.

Last Friday, Prime Minister Nagib Mikati and former Prime Minister Fouad Siniora announced that they would not boycott the next election, while former head of government Tammam Salam, known for his closeness to Mr. Hariri, had already announced that he was giving up running for a seat in parliament. For his part, Mr. Hariri’s older brother, Baha’, announced last Thursday “to embark on the battle to regain Lebanon and its sovereignty”, without however clearly announcing his desire to run for the legislative elections.

A delegation from the United States Embassy in Lebanon met on Tuesday in Beirut with a deputy from Akkar and a member of the Courant du Futur, Mohammad Sleiman, as part of a tour that began last week with deputies. of the party led by former Prime Minister Saad Hariri who announced his retirement from political life, ahead of the legislative elections of May 15. According to…

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