Home » today » Entertainment » a twenty-year-old actress accuses him – Libero Quotidiano

a twenty-year-old actress accuses him – Libero Quotidiano

Gerard Depardieu is under investigation for sexual violence and rape, crimes that he allegedly committed in the summer of 2018 against a young 20-year-old actress. It is learned from judicial sources. According to the indictment, the facts date back to almost three years ago, on 7 and 13 August 2018, and would have taken place in the Parisian home of the popular French actor. a private villa in the 6th arrondissement.

The complaint came immediately, in August 2018: the woman had explained to the gendarmerie that she had been raped twice in Depardieu’s home. At first, however, the investigation was closed: after a nine-month investigation, the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office had made it known that “the numerous investigations carried out” had not revealed sufficient evidence. However, the young woman managed to get the investigation reopened last August by becoming a civil party, which allowed the practically automatic appointment of a magistrate to restart the investigation.

The actor’s lawyer, Herve’ Temime, contacted by France Press he “deplored” the leak and stated that his client “totally disputes the facts of which he is accused”. According to a well-informed source, moreover, Depardieu is a friend of the woman’s family, with which he would have no professional relationship.

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