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A truly healthy lifestyle makes the difference for prostate health

Nutrition, physical activity, lifestyles. Male health also passes from here. And since the enlargement of the prostate gland is a natural and inevitable fact, it would be good for all men to follow a few simple rules that can help them at least to delay and stem the appearance of problems.

Adequate hydration but little alcohol

Regular exercise and a handful of good daily habits help to improve voiding disorders – underlines Walter Artibani, general secretary of the Italian Society of Urology -: adequate hydration (two liters of water a day) is important, as well as avoiding spirits and lunches. too abundant. Wine and beer are allowed in moderation, as are aperitifs: excesses, especially those with alcoholic beverages, are always bad. But if you don’t drink enough, the concentration of urine increases which creates an ideal habitat for bacterial infections. A very simple way to regulate yourself is to look at the color of your urine: if it is intense yellow or orange, it means that it is too concentrated and you need to drink more; if straw yellow or tending to white, however, no problem, it means that we are taking the right amount of liquids.

At the table

better not to overdo the consumption of anything that interferes with hormonal balance and alters diuresis. Spicy spices (pepper, coffee, shellfish and alcoholic beverages are considered “aphrodisiacs”, but they actually inflame the prostate gland creating an artificial impulse to coitus – explains Marco Carini, professor of Urology at the University of Florence and director of Urology 1 to the Careggi University Hospital. Therefore, they are not good for those who already suffer from frequent irritation in the area. And speaking of inflammation, it must be remembered that the intestine and prostate, due to their anatomical proximity, are able to influence each other in a negative way when one of the two is “disturbed.” Chronic constipation and diarrhea can annoy the gland, aggravating voiding disorders due to prostatitis and hypertrophy: achieving good punctuality of one’s intestine is therefore a very useful strategy.

Jump in temperature

Attention, then, to sudden hot-cold changes or vice versa. For those with an obstructive form of hypertrophy it is useful to avoid sudden changes in temperature: especially the sudden cooling due to air conditioning can aggravate the situation and cause acute retention of urine with the need to use the catheter to unblock the area.


Another decisive aspect and little known to those directly concerned are the problems caused by tobacco in the genital area: smoking can cause erectile dysfunction and impotence in males. The damage to blood vessels caused by smoking also affects health on the erection capacity of the penis, which is a very vascularized organ and which depends for its functionality on a correct blood supply – explains Artibani -: when this is reduced, or the insufficient pressure, erectile dysfunction problems may occur. In men, then, smoking reduces the quality of seminal fluid: several studies have shown that the toxic substances contained in cigarettes reach the sperm compromising the motility of the spermatozoa and reducing their ability to fertilize the female oocyte. Without considering that the combustion products of the cigarette are eliminated in the urine, facilitating the onset of bladder tumors (which in 70% of cases concern smokers).

Sports activity

We come to the sports chapter: Practicing physical activity regularly, even just a 30-minute walk a day, is a panacea – Carini recalls -. Sports with prevalent leg movement (such as running and swimming) have a decongestant effect. Only, for those suffering from prostatitis, it is better to limit cycling, which favors perineal microtraumas that can accentuate prostatic inflammation. That men with hypertrophy, with even considerable difficulties in urinating, cannot pedal an urban legend. It is only better to use the saddle with the central hole and ad hoc shorts (deerskin and perineum protection) for those who do prolonged activity, while in the city the padded one is fine. Motorcycles, horse riding and rowing also put a lot of strain on the pelvic floor and can inflame the prostate, so the use of specific equipment is recommended.

Sexual activity

There is also no contraindication to sexual activity which is not only not harmful, but if practiced regularly and without excesses (such as interrupted intercourse, repeated in a short time or deliberately delayed ejaculation for a long time) it has beneficial effects. Prolonged abstinence, in fact, causes the stagnation of secretions in the prostate gland, favoring its congestion and therefore possible infections and inflammation.

15 September 2020 (change September 15, 2020 | 19:49)


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