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A true teenage horror story

The simplified image shows the power button and the Xbox logo with a red ring error code.

Sooner or later it will come. There was no escape.
image: Microsoft / Evan Amos / Kotaku

Hiding from the hustle and bustle of Jamaica Street, the spiral staircase below looked like a mausoleum with piles of PS2, OG Xbox and GameCube. This little shop in the Jamaica Colosseum mall was in the same place I bought it before cleaved cell on PS2, death 3 for Xbox and Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack, among many others. But the dead consoles were a shocking reminder that no matter how dynamic the orbs created by these chests may seem, sooner or later the machines of our dreams will stop working.

In late 2005, when I was on a new generation of consoles, I intellectually realized that over time some of the new high-end Xbox 360 consoles yet to be released would go extinct. Maybe a decade from now, this store will be filled with white hourglass monoliths and glossy black Foreman grills. But not yet. After all, it was the beginning of a new era.

At the time, my teenage social circle was busy discussing stupid console wars, arguing in fast food restaurants if Killzone 2E3 2005 was real, or our PlayStation Friends confirm that we once saw the next generation SOCOMwe will leave Hello an Xbox forever. But we all agreed on one thing: We were all excited about the wild new possibilities these new machines promise. HD graphics, better custom music playlists, an epilogue (finally!) A Halo 2The promise of a true next-gen experience, for example military equipment. What a great time to be alive.

In an age of expensive limited messaging and social media plans, the new online HD console features are about to transform our social lives. In fact, it was the main reason many of us were looking for broadband. United online, our circle will surely remain as sparkling as the sparkling rings of the Xbox 360 itself.

We’ve all saved enough from the occasional jobs we had at the time to buy 360 and fulfill the breakout that had been luring us for so long. Our afternoons were filled with round after round Halo 2 (The end Halo 3), talking about trash, debating whether the Korns are better off without Head, and looking for the best way to run military equipment Cover tactics for HelloGet someone to give lost planet Give it a try, order some Chinese food (leaving a friend in particular stuck with the bill. Now we’re good to go, aren’t we?), Swap Incubus and HIM burned discs to burn to our 360 degree hard drives and enjoy. Lamb of God Secretand saying things like, “Oh my God, did you see that? mass effect prom game? “”amnesia It sounds crazy! and “Would you kindly die so I can have your sniper rifle?” Whether you’re playing single or multiplayer, you’ve never felt more exciting or more promising.

Marcus Phoenix shoots the Locust Soldiers.

Who knew E-Day would be the least of our worries?
image: alliance

But amidst screams of sudden kills and sawed-off aliens, the conversation occasionally turned into rumors on the forums about the sudden failure of the Xbox 360. It always happened the same way: black screen, red lights around the power button, and silence. . This failure soon had a name: The Red Ring of Death, or RRoD for short. I began to doubt and soon became a denier. I thought ‘this can’t happen to us’. We’ve all relied on 360 to stay connected and play together as we reach adulthood. He she Not possible happens to us.

The obvious reason has always been multifaceted: different people play different games over different time periods. After all, the only thing these stories had in common was that three-quarters of the power buttons glowed red as a stop sign. I definitely think people just need to take better care of their devices. I didn’t feel comfortable. It didn’t matter at all. This was not the time to start dying. We all thought he was still in his prime. Even in our best days.

We thought wrong.

The first victim was the worst. Within a few years, a friend tried four Xbox 360s. By then, our social circle was in a panic. We tried to become experts on the patterns that were provided by trying to correlate Internet stories with what we had heard from victims we knew personally. Which 360s were the most vulnerable? Was the model launch correct? The Halo 3 version? the elite? Is horizontal or vertical orientation important? The panic of losing our devices made it difficult to trust. But it wasn’t just about getting lost Hello Nights. The 360 ​​° device has become the main basis of our social development.

We all started getting physical after high school. Sure, MySpace was one thing, but it was Xbox Live that kept our social circle intact. Here we have not only played, but also talked about music, movies and life. Everything. Life has somehow become a safe digital space where we have faced the challenges of becoming adults.

But the red rings followed us online. When he liked one of us, part of that social circle, like a bug tag on the device itself, went dark. Microsoft’s repair program has been generous, but we haven’t been able to shake off the fear of spending another three or four hundred dollars. We are concerned about the time we have to devote to the device. How much time should we spend with each other?

We were all afraid of playing in our spare time. The reception of the flag can be interrupted in red. Some, like me, have tried to delve into denial. How can the problem be so widespread? But when someone is stretching Halo 3 The edition was finally wrong, the inevitability of death was too empty to be denied. Eventually, someone even RRoDed to the Elite, which we were assured was bulletproof. I remember a brief exchange of text. “I went out of my way to keep it safe! He had three feet of space around me and an intercooler! What happens next? “

The repair process took weeks. And in the excitement of moving from high school to college and getting a full-time job, those weeks made it difficult to keep up with each other and stay connected. 360-degree death means you won’t be talking to someone for weeks. Forget the tours Hello. Not only have we been deprived of our favorite game, but the red rings have separated us from each other.

Spartan stands alone on an empty Halo 3 map.

Grenades were mistaken for weeds when my friends fell into the ring.
screenshot: 343 Nozares

The red rings of death became a mist that engulfed each of us one by one. Somehow my console remained free, but the fear of it hitting me became too much. At the end of the decade, I started digging into the PlayStation 3 library and tried to get friends to do the same. But the damage was done. Time passed and the Xbox 360, once the center of my social circle, has never let us down. We killed one by one.

In the haze of the years when everyone I knew had suffered from red rings, things began to calm down. Newer Xbox models seem to address the main problem of overheating, but our online social circle was smaller at the time.

However, the 360 ​​generation isn’t over yet. We’ve been through the worst and still have some great games to play. One evening I, the only survivor, sat down to start a new project mass effect Play to prepare for the sequel.

But it didn’t have to be. A series of strangely familiar lights flashed across my Xbox’s face, preventing me from entering the future world of a sci-fi RPG. After killing all my friends, the Red Ring of Death has finally come to me.

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