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“A true friend is known in need”: Viktor Orban is honored in Serbia

True friends rely on each other even in difficult times, and Serbia and Hungary are certainly true friends, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stressed in Belgrade on Friday 16 September after honoring Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. .

In a joint press conference between the two politicians, the Serbian head of state said it was a great honor for him to deliver the highest accolade to Serbia to the Hungarian head of government for building and strengthening exceptional friendly and fraternal relations between the two. villages.

Aleksandar Vucic also thanked Viktor Orban for his continued efforts to improve relations between the two countries, which are improving and currently at an historic peak. He stressed that Serbia is grateful to Hungary, and in particular the Hungarian Prime Minister, for always openly and clearly supporting Serbia everywhere, even when it comes to European integration, even when it comes to regional or bilateral issues.

The Serbian president also noted that true friends show themselves in the midst of difficulties and that Hungary has had the strength to support Serbia even when it would be easier to turn away from it. “Therefore, Hungary can be sure that Serbia will always remain her true friend and support her,” he said.

Aleksandar Vucic noted that the relations and joint results of the two countries are impressive, but it also obliges the parties to protect and develop this friendship in the future, as well as to continue working to develop strategic relations and cooperation between the two sides.

The Serbian head of state also thanked Hungary for allowing Serbia to store its gas in Hungarian storage facilities. “In these difficult times, everyone only cares about their own interests, but Hungary has also had the strength to help Serbia ensure a calmer and warmer winter for its citizens,” he stressed.

Aleksandar Vucic finally said he was confident that Viktor Orban would continue to work for the benefit of the two countries even without the Serbian prize. He has said it ever since Yanosh Hunyada (1407-1456) i Matthias Hunyadi (1443-1490) Serbia did not have a better friend than Viktor Orban.

On the one hand, culturally, under Orban, Hungary “moved” to the Balkan region. On the other hand, under Alexander Vučić, it was the party of the Hungarians of Vojvodina that became a permanent member of the ruling coalition. Meanwhile, historically, Hungarians and Serbs treated each other with suspicion and mutual distrust.

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