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A trick to save petrol and diesel by pressing a simple button on the dashboard that few people know

Never before is the pursuit of savings as important as now. The increase in the price of fuel, only partially limited by the government’s measures, pushes to seek solutions, tricks and stratagems to save fuel. Anyone who cannot replace the car with the bike, an absurd solution but certainly saving money, even from an environmental point of view, has only to do their best. Few people know, however, that by deactivating a function present in almost all cars, and not just the latest generation, fuel is saved. Nothing technical, just press a button on the dashboard.

A trick to save petrol and diesel by pressing a simple button on the dashboard that few people know

Limiting speed, reducing sudden acceleration, and not revving the car are the usual things people say when trying. solutions to save fuel. They are the classic things to look out for. But there are different and little known tricks that can lead to the same result. For example, the deactivation of some functions of the car can only save on consumption. Also because starting from the air conditioning in the car, everything that lights up weighs on the engine and the latter consumes fuel. For example, few people know that even cruise control in certain cases makes you consume more. The speed control function that is now present on all cars, if deactivated, brings savings.

It seems a contradiction but instead it is not and consumption goes down

The speed control function, otherwise known as cruise control, was created to limit fuel costs. But like all functions, to have the desired effects they must be used at the right time. Deactivating the function by simply pressing the button on the dashboard is a trick to save petrol and diesel. It seems an obvious contradiction, but it is not when you analyze how cruise control should be used. For long journeys the speed control system keeps it constant and this is an advantage on consumption. The opposite happens in city driving, when bends, climbs, descents and so on put the engine under strain. In fact, the engine must respond immediately to different traffic situations, something that does not happen on long motorway journeys.

Deactivating the function is therefore convenient, and above all it does not involve anything difficult or technical. No adjustments to the control unit, no visit to a trusted auto electrician. Just click or press the cruise control activation button on the dashboard, as with many other normal car functions.


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