Home » today » News » “A trans girl who urinates in the street for fear of going to the school bathroom. That girl was me” | Radio Club Tenerife

“A trans girl who urinates in the street for fear of going to the school bathroom. That girl was me” | Radio Club Tenerife

LGTBiphobia and especially transphobia continue to be the main cause of harassment in schools in Spain. Nayara was a victim of bulling, “a brutal harassment, I was the fag of the school when in reality I was a girl,” explains Nayara, an activist with the Libertrans association. “I suffered harassment to the utmost limits, even having to urinate in the street when we left school because I did not dare to go to the bathrooms,” recalls Nayara. With the passage of time he was made of iron and today he fights for him to respect his identity, but the discrimination never ended.

“One time They tore my resume in my face and told me that they didn’t want people like me in that company“, he explains.” We see people by their genitals when in reality their bodies are diverse, there is no single way of being trans “, explains Eva Pascual, president of the association of families with trans minors in the Canary Islands.” With misinformation We hurt many families, “she adds.” From the moment we verbalize who we are, society has to certify daily that we are who we think we are. It’s okay now, we are constantly being questioned, “Nayara laments.

Nayara of the association Libertans has participated together with Eva Pascual, the activist Carla Antonelli and associations Transboys and Transgirls in a debate in Today for Today Tenerife on Pride day from the Cabildo de Tenerife thanks to thea Diversity Department of the first Tenerife institution. They have also been in the program Conchi Zerolo, sister of the historic Tenerife activist Pedro Zerolo, the associations Canary Pride and Various and the artist Alex Mercury. Too Dona and Marcela They have recounted the terrible situations they faced in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in the late 1970s. Listen to the full program again here.

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