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A total of 14 Basque patient associations participate in Cinfa’s solidarity initiative “The voice of the patient”

The entities will be eligible for one of the 50 contributions of 2,500 euros to improve the quality of life of patients and their families


A total of 14 non-profit Basque patient associations have presented their projects to participate in Cinfa’s solidarity initiative “The voice of the patient”, which can be voted on until next
October 20. The 50 projects that register the most votes on the Lavozdelpaciente.cinfa.com website will receive 2,500 euros each to improve the quality of life of patients and their families, both physically, mentally or emotionally.

In this way, Cinfa takes up the action carried out in 2019, “Cinfa: Contigo, 50 y más”, with a new name that describes its desire to give patients a voice.

In the words of Enrique Ordieres, president of the Spanish pharmaceutical company, “the pandemic has increased during the last year and a half the enormous difficulties faced by many people who live in our country with illness or disability on a daily basis. For this reason We have felt the responsibility to get back to work to help improve their quality of life as much as possible. “

In total, 374 projects from all over Spain have submitted their application for these grants. Among the Basque projects in competition are: ADEMGI-Multiple Sclerosis Association of Gipuzkoa, with its initiative “ADEMGI Integral Rehabilitation Center 2021”; AEFAT-Asociación Española Familia Ataxia Telangiectasia, with “Canine friends for young people with ataxia telangiectasia”; AGADELPRISE-Association of People Affected by Lymphedema, Lipedema and Phlebema of Gipuzkoa, with “Decongestive Therapy: manual lymphatic drainage”; AGIFES-Guipuzcoana Association of Relatives and People with Mental Health Problems, with “Mutual Support Program”;
ARGIA-Association of Ostomized of Bizkaia, with “Social integration through leisure”.

Also competing are ASEBIER-Association of Rare Diseases of the Basque Country Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus, with the project “MovExperience, Adapted Functional Training”; ASMABI-Non-profit association to support people affected by Asthma in Bizkaia, with “Respirar con Asma”; the Association La cuadri del hospi, with the “Child and youth physiotherapy development program”; ASPARBI-Asociación Parkinson de Bizkaia, with “Neurorehabilitation and electronic devices”; and ASPARGI-Asociación Parkinson de Guipúzcoa, with “Hand in hand with ASPARGI”.

Other entities that participate in “The voice of the patient” are: ATECE Araba-Acquired Brain Damage Association of Álava, with its project
“Bidez. Functional accompaniment for people with ACD”;
BIHOTZEZ-Association to help children and young people with congenital heart disease and their families, with “Comprehensive neuropsychological care for children with CHD”; GAUTENA-Guipuzcoana Autism Association, with
“Well-being in Gautena’s homes”; and KATXALIN-Guipuzcoana Association of Support for Women Affected by Breast and / or Gynecological Cancer, with “The prevention of lymphedema … in motion!”.

To vote in “The voice of the patient” you have to enter Lavozdelpaciente.cinfa.com, where the 374 projects can be consulted.
The support received will be counted in real time and can be viewed in a ranking.

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