Until the end of the week, the meteorological situation over Bulgaria will be dynamic, with more precipitation that will affect different parts of the country. According to the forecasts of the forecaster of Bulgaria ON AIR Peter Yankov weather is expected to remain unsettled, but a temporary stabilization will occur from Monday of the air mass above the country.
Today’s precipitation and chance of hail
On Thursday, the precipitation will be most significant in the Dobruja region, where amounts of between 5 and 8 liters per square meter are expected. In the western regions, including Sofia, precipitation will be more modest – up to 3 liters per square meter. However, there are conditions for thunderstorms and hail in the northwestern part of the country, although precipitation there will be few and far between. Warnings for possible hail have been issued for North-West Bulgaria and Dobruja.
Precipitation and temperatures in the coming days
During the weekend, the precipitation will also affect our southern neighbors, but the most intense will be in the southwestern parts of Bulgaria. On Friday and Saturday, the total amounts in Southwest Bulgaria are expected to reach between 30 and 50 liters per square meter. Temperatures in the country will vary between 25 and 31 degrees, with Sofia being the coldest Balkan capital during this period, while warmer weather is expected in Belgrade. In our southern neighbors, temperatures will be significantly higher.
Warm weather, but it rains in September too
The sea water temperature will drop slightly to 26-27 degrees during the rains. The weather will remain warm with scattered clouds. Short-term rainfall is expected around September 3-4. On September 6, the weather will remain mostly warm. During the period September 9-11 new precipitation is expectedbut temperatures will remain high at the beginning of September, it became clear from the forecast of the forecaster.
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