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A three-year-old child swallowed 10 magnets and died in Kostanay

The publication provides information from the head of the surgical service of this medical center, Igor Belobrzhitsky.

According to the doctor, a three-year-old child was brought to them on July 7; he was sent from Rudny with a diagnosis of “foreign body”. Mom had an x-ray with her, which showed that there were 10 round magnets attached to each other. The boy was immediately taken to the hospital.

“They started carrying FGDS of the stomach. It was examined using laparoscopy.

He explained that the other three magnets were not in the stomach; they entered the womb. They can only be removed from the womb by surgery.

“Usually all foreign bodies, pins, nails, bolts – they come out naturally in 95% of these cases, foreign bodies pass through the intestines and come out with the feces there were magnets in the intestines.

A common technique is to wait for the magnets to come out naturally. The child was in the department and was being watched. They installed systems, stimulated the intestines to move these magnets and push them out. But the magnets stood on the X-rays without stopping,” said the head of the surgical service.

The doctors explained to my mother that an operation was necessary.

“From the 9th to the 10th everything was fine, the baby was jumping, playing, feeling good on the morning of July 10th, we went for peritonitis surgery, we did The surgery was successful .

The boy was transferred to intensive care, and resuscitation measures were carried out for an hour.

“The heart started. Then there was a second stoppage and on the 10th day he died. Shock was confirmed, he did not die from magnets, not from peritonitis, the examination confirmed that it was shock. Strokes are bad, they can be uncontrollable. This is a tragedy, we ourselves are suffering”, said the doctor.

The child, he said, received all diagnostic measures available at the Kostanay Regional Children’s Hospital – namely FGDS, laparoscopy, computed tomography of the abdominal cavity. They took x-rays and all the necessary tests.

The publication said that the parents called the police, and the doctors have already given an explanation.

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