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A thousand years ago, a supernova lit up the night sky

[Naidheachdan New Tang Dynasty, àm Beijing, 15 Lùnastal, 2024]In 1181, ancient Chinese once saw deatha starStruggling in the night sky for 6 months, but what is the final result? For centuries it has been confusingastronomicalan expert

840 years have passed,astronomicalScientists finally found his traces. This one is called SN 1181supernovaLocated near the constellation Cassiopeia, it appears as bright as Saturn and has been recorded as a “host star” in Chinese and Japanese chronicles.

According to CNN, this is due to Albert Zijlstra, professor of astrophysics at the University of Manchester in the UK, who first identified the connection between the nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia and SN 1181. Zielstra was not involved in the study new before. He remembered that it was 2021, when the epidemic was bad.

“At the height of the (Chinese Communist Party virus) epidemic, I spent a quiet evening at home,” Zilstra said, using ancient Chinese horoscopes tosupernovaCompared to Nebula. The discovery of this nebula is the result of amateur astronomer Dana Patchick.

Patchik first discovered the nebula in 2013 while examining the archives of NASA’s Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE).

Zielstra said that the discovery of SN 1181 is now widely accepted – many experts have studied it and agree that the conclusion is very reliable. “This is the remnant of that supernova.”

A rare type of Iax supernova

The nebula is about 7,000 light-years from Earth and has an Earth-sized white star at its center – a super-massive die that has consumed its nuclear fuel.a star. This is very rare among supernova remnants, as supernova explosions usually destroy the white dwarf completely.

Zielstra and his colleagues wrote a study on this result in September 2021. The report indicated that SN 1181 likely belongs to a rare type Iax supernova. In this case, the thermonuclear explosion may have been the result of a violent collision between two white dwarfs that did not explode completely, leaving “zombie star(zombie star).

This massive collision of two white dwarfs may explain another peculiarity of the zombie star SN 1181. It contains neither hydrogen nor helium, which Zylstra said is extremely rare in space.

universeAbout 90% of it is made up of hydrogen, and the rest is almost entirely helium. Everything else is very rare. He said, “Our sun (the star at the center of the solar system) is made up mostly of these elements. Therefore, it is obvious that (zombie star) experienced major changes. “

“As far as we know, this is the only (type Iax supernova) in the Milky Way,” said Takatoshi Ko, lead author of the study.

In addition, the research also revealed an inexplicable phenomenon: the high-speed winds detected in previous studies did not start blowing away from the surface of this “zombie star” in 20 years who left

Normally, this stream of fast particles, which astronomers call a strong wind, would be blown away from the white dwarf’s surface as a byproduct of the star’s rapid rotation after a supernova explosion.

“Our theory is that because SN 1181 is a type Iax supernova, its explosion was not completely completed. Therefore, the material ejected by the explosion did not escape completely, but remained within the gravitational field of the central white dwarf star,” said Ko. ., “These materials can eventually accreting to the surface of the white dwarf due to its gravity, causing the star to become active again.”

However, Zielstra says that this theory is different from opinions. Observations show that the star has decreased in brightness over the past century.

“It’s not clear how this relates to the onset of massive winds,” he said, “Logically, I would expect the star to become brighter, not smaller.”

Ko and his colleagues recognized this problem. They say that they believe that there is a relationship between large winds and the diminution of stars, and that they are currently doing related research.

The researchers plan to make further observations of SN 1181 using two instruments they have not used before: the Very Large Radio Telescope in New Mexico and the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii.

Experts say that discovering the secrets behind this supernova event will help astronomers gain a deeper understanding of the life cycle of stars and their impact on planet formation.

Bradley Schaefer, professor emeritus of astrophysics and astronomy at Louisiana State University, said that historically, ancient observations of supernovae have been very important to modern astronomy.

He told CNN in an email that SN 1181 is one of the few reliable links from supernova to supernova remnant. For astronomers, there has never been a better opportunity to study Type Iax supernovae.

(Reprinted from The Epoch Times/Editor: Ye Ping)

URL of this article: https://www.ntdtv.com/b5/2024/08/15/a103905660.html

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