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A third decree published in the Official Journal

Honorary work at the EESC: A third decree published in the Official Journal

Finally, informs the AS in its delivery this Saturday, there are three decrees, all relating to the honorarium of the former president of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (EESC). Indeed, it is published in the Official Journal (OJ) N ° 7330 of Friday June 19, 2020 a third version of the same decree different from that made public by Yakham Mbaye.

The leader of the Republic of Values, Thierno Alassane Sall, wonders: “What credit should be given to this remedial session to retrieve Decree No. 964 of April 17, 2020, finally published on June 19 in the Olympic Games? Or three weeks after the summary proceedings and appeal of the Congress of the Democratic Renaissance (CRD) to the Supreme Court? For him, the Republic is in danger because it is discredited every day by the supporters of power.

Wanting to be formal, the lawyer Seybani Sougou maintains that the decree published by Yakham Mbaye is a forgery. He considers that if the Supreme Court does not cancel the antedated decree n ° 2020-964 establishing honorary law published in the OJ of Friday June 19, 2020 as well as the decree n ° 2020-976 published in OJ n ° 7307 of April 29, 2020 granting the status of Honorary President of the EESC to Ms Aminata Tall, the Senegalese can say “Farewell to their justice” under the magisterium of Macky Sall.

Author: Seneweb News – SenewebNews-RP

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