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A terrible storm hit the Southern Black Sea coast early this morning


A terrible summer storm hit the Southern Black Sea coast early this morning, the man reports Plovdiv24.bg by the sea. A powerful wind, accompanied by heavy rain, woke up thousands of tourists in Primorsko shortly after 6:20 a.m. today, July 18. It is yet to be ascertained if any hotels and private homes have been flooded. At the moment, the situation is already calmer, the wind has almost died down, and the rain is significantly lighter.

According to forecasters from NIMH, today will be mostly sunny, over the eastern half of the country with temporary increases in cloudiness. Light rain will fall in isolated places in the southeast, and after noon in the central southern regions.

It will blow weak, in Eastern Bulgaria to moderate wind from the east-northeast. The daytime temperatures will drop a little more and the maximum will be between 27° and 32°.

It will be mostly sunny in the mountains. In the afternoon, there will be cumulus clouds, but only in the Eastern Rhodopes will it rain for a short time. A moderate to strong northeasterly wind will blow. Temperatures will drop a little more and the maximum at 1200 meters will be around 21°, at 2000 meters – around 14°.

There will be temporary increases in cloudiness over the Black Sea, but light rain will fall mainly along the southern coast. It will blow to a moderate wind from the east-northeast. Maximum temperatures will be between 24° and 27°. The temperature of the sea water is 23°-26°. The excitement of the sea will be 2-3 points.

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