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A teenager is suspected of shooting another minor in the Bronx and this is what is known | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

to the information in a fewmoments.victor: we will be pending.the cases ofgun violence in new york.one of the suspects ofpulling the trigger was akid.the minor had shotagainst another in the middle of the streetthe bronx.reporter: young boys18-year-old joins thewave of violence victimsnavy in new york, aproblematic that terrifiesparents.>> that worries me welldeeply, because thesechildren have guns inher hands.reporter: one of theincidents occurred here in thebronx last thursdayaround 5:30 a.m.late.a 13-year-old boy fromage was arguing withanother boy when this one camegun and shot him in the kneeleft.ran away with fourpersons.stable condition to a hospitalshare.according to the uniformed, theyoung man did not wantdisclose details about itincident and suspectedgang.the gunman who appears inthese photos and videos receive thenickname of “chulo”, of some13 years old and weighs about 110pounds.>> I’m really againstthat.I don’t think any kidmust have a weapon, even iftoy.reporter: we communicate withwho works with young people fromsome of the communities aceaffected by violencearmada.>> where do they get these weaponsof fire?>> they are the heads of the gangs,18, 22, 25, 27 years old.they are the ones who lead theyouth.reporter: since living ina community affected bygun violence entailspsychological consequencesboth in children that arevictims like those whowitness violent acts orfeel threatened by them,we communicate with thistherapist, who explainssome of the signs of thetrauma.>> a lot of fear and anxiety, nowants to go outside or go to thePark.trauma in the sense thathave nightmares about whatit’s happening.what trouble focusingat school.reporter: we also spoke withthe reverend osvaldo, whooffers these tips.although they are or they wearrebels, appear in theschool and find out with whatThey are in the street.don’t be afraid to searchhis rooms, his bed and thehaveset.reporter: the department ofNew York cop asks for yourhelp to identifypeople in the videos and photosthat we just showed you.anyone who hasinformation, call the line

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