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a technology to nourish the crop when it needs it most

Soybean planting has already managed to cover more than half of the projected area for the current cycle, of some 17 million hectares, according to the Buenos Aires Cereal Exchange. The sunflower, already fully implanted, this year has its largest nucleus in Buenos Aires territory, due to the drought that affected the campaign in the Chaco, and is going through reproductive stages.

In both crops, it is an ideal time to reinforce fertilization with foliar applications, in order to increase reproductive efficiency.

“The advantages of foliar application is the efficiency in the use of nutrients because there are fewer losses in the system since it directly enters per leaf and the plant has a higher percentage available for its use,” he began by explaining Agustin Garnero, Stoller Regional Technical Coordinator, on the benefits of this technology.

Another advantage, he listed, is the “timing” of the application because applied when crops really need it.

“This type of application, s by having less losses in the system, they are friendlier to the environment because the product is used by the plant and there are no losses, “he added.

In this context, Garnero recommended the use of Sett liquid fertilizer between R1 and R3 in soybeans, and in R1 in sunflower. The producer contains in its formulation a concentration of eight percent calcium, 0.5 percent boron and growth cofactors.

stoller garner

Its main benefits are that it promotes a uniform and vigorous flowering, which increases the viability of the flowers and ensures proper fruit setting; and this translates into higher productivity as a consequence of an increase in flower retention.

“In order to generate more grains per square meter, we must pay special attention to the moment of flowering, aiming for maximum reproductive efficiency at that time. With a dose of two liters per hectare of Sett we can achieve it”Adds Garnero.

Calcium and boron, according to the Stoller advisor, are two key nutrients to achieve these goals, and are strategically combined with growth promoting hormones: auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins, resulting in a key physiological solution during the flowering of soybeans and sunflower.

“Another positive aspect is its compatibility with other phytosanitary products. For example, with fungicides, which means savings and greater efficiency; It does not imply an extra cost at the time of application ”adds Garnero.

Contribution in one year Girl

According to tests conducted by Stoller, using Sett increases average yields by eight to ten percent.

In a campaign like the current one, marked by a deficit of rainfall that affects a large part of the Argentine agricultural area since the autumn and that could continue in the summer due to the arrival of the La Niña phenomenon, rStrengthening nutrition can mean an even bigger plus.

“Under current environmental conditions and as they are forecast going forward, it is important to adopt strategies that protect the reproductive structures of plants; that is to say, there are no floral abortions ”, Garnero summarizes.

And complete: “EThe water deficit and high temperatures are an ideal combo for crops to shed their flowers, which means fewer fruits and fewer grains. That is why the idea is to reduce abortions, in order to have a greater number of grains per square meter ”.

Another favorable aspect is that, since Sett is a fertilizer that enters by leaf, it has a greater efficiency of use, thus becoming more independent of environmental conditions, maximizing availability for the plant.

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