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A technology is introduced that allows you to make any surface touch

news/89595/Predstavlena_tehnologiya_pozvolyayuschaya_sdelat_sensornoy_lyubuyu_poverhnost.html"> At the last exhibition CES 2020which was held in Las Vegas, a company Sensel introduced new technology of touch controls. Thanks to it, smartphone manufacturers can place virtual buttons almost anywhere.-

Structurally, the system is a strip of 25 sensors that replace traditional physical buttons. In this case, the sensors are able to distinguish between different degrees of depression up to 5 kg.

According to Sensel, the new sensors are able to determine how a person holds a smartphone and how it clicks in a certain way. At the exhibition, a prototype was shown, where the sensor determined the pressure for focusing the camera, shutter and series of shots.

Also, the technology will allow you to control the smartphone with gloves. Most interestingly, any surface, including wood and skin, can become sensory. That is, the controls can be placed anywhere.

So far, Sensel is preparing a development kit and software components that will allow the use of new sensors in any technology. However, their release date on the market has not yet been specified.

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