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a symbol-rich new Captain America for the new Marvel era

After WandaVisionMarvel Studios has finished airing its second series on Disney’s streaming platform: Falcon and the Winter Soldier ended with the advent of a new Captain America, the hero with the (almost) indestructible vibranium shield. Six episodes which, despite a rather uneven pace and narration, had the merit of laying the foundations for the following events: phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which directly follows the plot of the film Avengers Endgamegradually reveals its protagonists.

Attention, this article reveals elements of the plot of the series.

Episode 6 therefore put an end to the semblance of suspense that had hovered since the retirement of Steve Rogers: Sam Wilson, at first embarrassed at the idea of ​​taking over from his friend, has indeed become the new Captain America, in a finale marked by his unifying speech to the leaders of the Global Repatriation Council: “You’re not here to make easy decisions. I’m a black man who wears the Captain America costume. When I put it on, I know millions of people are going to hate me. But there’s nothing I can do about it and I’m still here. I don’t have a super serum, blonde hair or blue eyes. The only power I have is to believe that we can do better. You have as much power as a God gone crazy or a lost teenager and you must be wondering how to use it.”

Clearly raising the question of race and community divisions, the new “Cape” becomes the symbol of a population disoriented by the return of half of its inhabitants, who had disappeared during the snap of the finger of Thanos five years before. A message that resonates with the news, a week after the conviction of the police officer found guilty of the murder of George Floyd. “There is a very political character in this series, which inevitably echoes the “Black lives matter” movement.analyzes Robin Nègre, editorial director of the Disney Chronicle website. When Steve Rogers entrusts the shield to Sam at the end of Avengers 4, we don’t directly think of the symbol represented by the fact that a black man takes up the torch.”

According to this specialist in the Marvel universe, the mini-series allows above all to offer total legitimacy to the character of Sam as the new Captain America. “The six episodes offer him the chance to emancipate himself and take off the second role label he had until now. The series focuses little by little on him to the detriment of the character of Bucky”he continues.

In the wake of the outcome, the American site Deadline announced that a Captain America 4 film, centered on the character played by Anthony Mackie, was in preparation. It should logically follow the events of this parenthesis Falcon and the Winter Soldierrenamed Captain America and the Winter Soldier in the final credits. “This series will not have a major impact on the MCU, because Sam Wilson’s costume change was introduced at the end of Avengers Endgame. On this aspect, those who have not seen the series will not be not lost on the release of Captain America 4”assures Robin Nègre.

These six short hours of action and explanation, with a much more traditional narration and in Marvel codes than the series WandaVision, however, will have had the merit of introducing or bringing back characters that we should soon find in the films of phase 4 of the MCU. Like Sharon Carter alias Power Broker, John Walker, ephemeral Captain America who became US Agent or even theto Countess Valentina De Fontaine: “Valentina must appear in Black Widow (scheduled for a cinema release in July 2021 in France), she could be the new Madame Hydra and recruit her own army, complete with super villains, like US Agent. As for Sharon, the mystery remains: is she a spy, does she want revenge on the government or is she a Skrull?asks Robin Nègre.

Antagonists from future Marvel films may therefore have made their first appearance in Falcon and the Winter Soldierwhich was originally intended to be the first series released by Marvel Studios, before WandaVision. But the Covid-19 has been there and disrupted the release schedule, which promises to be busy for the months to come. Next step : Loki, the series centered on the mischievous brother of Thor, which will be broadcast from Friday June 11 on Disney+.

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