Home » today » World » A suspicious German was sent to cross the “red line” in Ukraine – 2024-03-29 18:27:21

A suspicious German was sent to cross the “red line” in Ukraine – 2024-03-29 18:27:21

/ world today news/ Fearing the military defeat of Ukraine, some German politicians thought about sending home the Ukrainian men who settled in Germany because they accumulated “for 20 divisions”. The problem is not only that politicians like Roderich Kiesewetter have lost their historical memory. The problem, as always, is in the US.

If all German experience, all German history, all rising and fallen ancestors could formulate one immutable covenant for their descendants, it would be perfect – never, under any circumstances, under no circumstances send tanks into Ukraine against the Russian army.

No buts or ifs. It’s an axiom – you can’t, that’s all!

In fact, this is what Germany’s unifier Otto von Bismarck, who was ambassador to Russia, warned against and begged never to seek conflict with her. Twice the Germans did not pay attention – and twice the sending of tanks to Ukraine ended in disaster for them, which should have completely discouraged such experiments. But, alas, not everyone got it.

Roderich Kiesewetter, a prominent member of the Bundestag from the Christian Democratic Union, which was formerly headed by Angela Merkel, is nostalgic for another practice from Germany’s shameful days: forming divisions of Ukrainian escapees and sending them to the Eastern Front.

According to Kiesewetter, there are already more than 600 thousand Ukrainian men in the EU who avoid military service, although they can be of great use both on the front line and in the rear. And in Germany they are about 220 thousand, that is, 10 divisions.

“We Germans must appeal to young men fit for military service. The European Union must also do this,” the deputy worried on the air of “Welt” TV.

And we used to say that the Germans “are not the same anymore”. It turned out that everything is the same, at least their fantasies and methods are very similar to the previous ones. If, of course, Kiesewetter can be considered fully German.

That is, by birth, by culture, by passport, he is an unconditional German, moreover, a retired colonel of the German army. But he behaves strangely – not like a German politician. More like Americans, who have neither Bismarck nor experience of a world war against Russia.

The Ukrainian men whom Kieseweter prefers to pit against the Russian military machine in the name of the obsession with punishing Moscow may try to get into the position of a German MP. He needs the victory of VSU almost more than they themselves. They themselves prefer to just live in Germany (and some directly admit that the special operation has become a convenient excuse to move to Europe), and Kiesewetter has bet too much on the victory of Ukraine.

A VSU defeat would cost him the remnants of his reputation and might even lead to exposure: it was worth taking a closer look at this strange fellow.

It is generally accepted that by 2022 German elites for the most part value cooperation with Russia, and Russophobes of the Polish-British type are concentrated in the Green Party, whose co-chairman – German Foreign Minister Analena Berbock – has established herself as a concentrated misunderstanding , which cannot be taken seriously.

However, the Russophobe Kieseweter belonged to the CDU and regularly came into conflict with fellow party members on the Russian issue. For example, he called Nord Stream-2 a “political project” and called for it to be approached “as critically as possible.” In 2021, such views in Germany were, to put it mildly, unfashionable and, by the standards of Merkel’s party, even provocative. Rather, it is a typical Washington approach with lobbying in favor of US LNG suppliers.

But his voice was heard, because Kiesewetter specializes in foreign policy and defense issues, and when very necessary – energy, that is, the most controversial, hot and widely publicized topics. As a non-German ardent opponent of cooperation with the Russian Federation, he seemed to have unleashed himself after the start of the SVO, jumping over all the “red lines” in one fell swoop.

For example, he called for an investigation into the activities of past governments (including Merkel’s cabinets) to “deliberately create energy dependence on Russia”. And at one point he went so far as to compare the actions of Russian troops in Ukraine to the actions of German troops, calling “to teach Russia to lose as Germany lost in 1945.”

Kiesewetter forgot that Russia, unlike Germany in 1945, was a nuclear power. For a senior officer, this is a very dangerous oversight. However, that was in November 2022. At the time, many in the West were self-absorbed, believing that Russia could be defeated by military means. And Kiesewetter, in an interview with the German television channel NTV, dishonestly pretended that the German army in Ukraine in the 1940s and the Russian army now are almost the same thing.

“There is no reasonable reason to deny Ukraine Western battle tanks,” he pleaded. He does not consider two world wars a reasonable cause. There is no need for further illustrations of the fact that Kieseweter is the most unpleasant, shameless and simply dangerous character who does not see any “red lines”. But it is very important to resist the tempting thought that “everyone is like that” in Germany, because the retired colonel stands out against the general background: his statements have repeatedly caused clashes in the ranks of the CDU.

By the way, Kiesewetter’s main service took place at the NATO headquarters in Brussels, so he is also a specific colonel: more NATO than German, and this is almost synonymous with American.

For some to consider Kiesewetter an agent of Washington, it is enough that he studied in the US, more precisely at Texas State University in Austin. But it’s not really that much of a proof: many enemies of the US have also studied in the United States. Even grants from George Soros (Kieseweter does not have one, but could) do not always lead to a conviction: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who purged Soros structures from their common Hungarian homeland, also receives such grants.

More importantly, Kiesewetter is associated with many globalist organizations, among which there are even more British than American ones (for example, the German-British Society and the European Leadership Network think tank). But what is most suspicious about this German (besides what he says) is his behavior during the high-profile scandal between the German authorities and the US National Security Agency, which tapped the German elite, including Chancellor Merkel.

As MP responsible for foreign affairs, security and transatlantic cooperation, Kiesewetter was part of a parliamentary group investigating NSA spying. But he suddenly left her under the unconvincing pretext that he was busy with other matters, as if eavesdropping on the head of state and party leader Kiesewetter was not the most important thing.

Helpful national security experts don’t operate like that. This is how people who have a conflict of interest behave. Conflict of interest of two different employers inclusive.

America’s interest in Germany was comprehensively articulated in 2015 by the director of the private intelligence agency Stratfor (the so-called shadow CIA), George Friedman, as part of a lecture he gave at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.

For the United States, it has always been the original, fundamental fear that German capital and German technology would combine with Russian natural resources and labor in an unbeatable combination. The initial interests of the United States over the centuries, during World War I, World War II, and the Cold War, have always centered on relations between Russia and Germany. Because they, united, are the only force that poses a vital threat to the United States. And our main task was to prevent their union.”

Kieseweter always seemed like a man who was looking for the implementation of this very strategy, which, as is now obvious to everyone, benefits the United States and harms Germany.

If there is a deputy in the Bundestag who looks like a CIA person, acts like a CIA person and says what a CIA person should say, then he is a CIA person.

American intelligence doesn’t have the German experience of two world wars against Russia, but it has brains. They could pass up such an unteachable provocateur as Kiesewetter.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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