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A strong tornado swept through the south of the Czech Republic, there are victims

Photo: twitter.com/ZuzanaCaputova

The consequences of a tornado in the Czech Republic

Meteorologists note that the tornado is an exceptional phenomenon for the region. The size of the damage caused to them is being specified.

In the Czech Republic, due to strong winds and a tornado that hit the South Moravian region on Thursday, June 24, 150 people, including children, were injured. There are victims, informs Czech television.

It is noted that the brunt of the disaster fell on seven settlements in the region. At the same time, in some villages half of the buildings were destroyed. People are under the rubble of houses.

“Only the walls of houses remained, without roofs and windows. The church was also left without a roof and a bell tower. Cars were thrown by a tornado on cottages. The village school has no facade and a roof.

According to the rescuers, in addition to the wounded, there are also victims, but their exact number is still unknown.

According to the TV channel, rescuers and firefighters from Austria and Slovakia arrived to help their Czech colleagues. In particular, Austria sent more than 30 ambulances and resuscitation vehicles, rescuers and two helicopters to the region.

Meteorologists note that the tornado is an exceptional phenomenon for these lands. The size of the damage caused to them is being specified.


Formerly on the American city of Chicago and Illinois thunderstorms and tornadoes hit, as a result of which tens of thousands of residents were left without electricity.

A tornado swept through Canada, there is a deceased and injured

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