A strange creature is causing trouble in the neighborhood
Residents of a Texas village are trying in vain to identify the animal that came to visit one of theirs last week. Even the experts dry up.
PostedAugust 22, 2023, 6:17 PM
The quadruped savored a few berries before disappearing.
From Kahlig
Tina Kahlig was going about her business at her home in Hill Country Village (Texas) when her gaze was drawn to her garden. “There was an animal right there, and I wondered what it was,” she says. The resident was able to take a few photos of the strange creature, which seemed to be savoring berries that had fallen into the grass, before it disappeared into the vegetation. Tina then appealed to social networks in the hope of identifying the animal, without suspecting that she was posing a hell of a glue to Internet users.
“Unusual creature in my garden! What is this?” she asked on Nextdoor, a neighborhood-oriented app. A hundred locals tried to answer this question, with more or less seriousness. “Some think it’s a cross between a coyote and a dog,” says Tina. Others, less down to earth, evoked a chupacabra, a fantastic creature that feeds by sucking the blood of farm animals.
It could be a coyote or a dog with skin problems, experts say.
From Kahlig
A few residents also cited the local legend, which says that an old puma prowls around. However, no visual evidence has ever confirmed this story, writes the Huffington Post. The mysterious encounter between Tina and the animal intrigues even the experts, who have a hard time putting a name to this beast. Mammals manager at the San Antonio Zoo, Rachel Malstaff says she hesitates between a dog and a coyote. A doubt shared by several veterinarians interviewed by the local media. According to them, the unidentified animal could well suffer from a skin problem.
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2023-08-22 16:17:16
#strange #creature #causing #trouble #neighborhood