Home » today » Entertainment » a stock of hay in flames in an old farmhouse, around thirty firefighters mobilized

a stock of hay in flames in an old farmhouse, around thirty firefighters mobilized

The particularly thick plume of smoke was visible for miles around on Tuesday, June 1, well beyond Annecy. The firefighters deployed a large device. The fire broke out in an old farmhouse full of hay. Students from a nearby college were confined

The alert was given around 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, June 1, Chemin de Verboux, in Annecy-le-Vieux.

An old farmhouse, uninhabited, caught fire. The building, about fifty meters long, quickly went up in smoke. It included a dwelling, unoccupied, which completely burned down.

About thirty firefighters were mobilized, with large ladders and fire hoses. The command post ready, was finally not set up.

© DR

On the other hand, it was in acrid smoke that the SDIS men had to intervene. The flames devoured a stock of hay inside, on nearly 200 m2.

A plume of smoke visible for miles around Annecy (DR images)

As a precaution, the students and staff of the college of Barattes, not very far, were instructed to remain confined, for nearly 30 minutes, in order to avoid breathing the toxic plume.

A student was slightly inconvenienced. An investigation is opened by the Annecy gendarmerie company.

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