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a still uncertain result … Why is the counting process so long in the United States?

Those announced the same evening are also estimates by the media, which invent them with the help of statisticians. The country had been marked by the presidential duel of 2000, the outcome of which was known only after 36 days.

At the end of an ultra-tight match in Florida against George W. Bush, Al Gore had asked for a manual count, the start of a battle decided by the Supreme Court in December.

At the center of the controversy were often old machines, used to read punch cards, whose holes had sometimes been badly punched. Without reaching such a cheating, history tends to repeat itself. In 2020, the presidential election results between Joe Biden and Donald Trump were only known after four days.

A second round in Georgia

The same year, the wait to find out which party would win the majority in the Senate lasted weeks, due to the second round in Georgia.

Do you like déjà vu? Also this year the control of the upper house risks being played in the same state, which has become a hot spot on the American electoral map, during a new round organized on December 6, none of the three candidates has reached the bar. 50%. The origins of this system are controversial.

The elected official who, in the 1960s, had proposed its adoption by the state, saw it as a way to “circumvent the growing political strength of blacks,” according to a report by the Interior Ministry. The process was widespread in the segregationist states of the south. Some still use it for the primary, but only Georgia and Louisiana use it for their elections.

A multitude of rules

This is one of the points that make these votes so complex: each of the 50 states has its own rules. “If Florida can count 7.5 million cards in 5 hours, how is it possible for some states to take days to count 2 million? “, Annoyed Republican Senator Marco Rubio on Twitter.

In the United States, a land of ultra-urban areas and extremely rural regions, each state can adapt the way its people speak their voices.

Some Americans vote for machines, others with paper ballots. Some vote on the spot, others remotely, weeks in advance or on election day. The mail-order vote, spread by the 2020 presidential election, organized in the midst of a pandemic, complicates matters.

American ballots are already long to count: citizens answer a multitude of questions, to elect representatives, prosecutors or participate in referendums. But the votes cast by correspondence are even more so because they require preparation and can arrive several days after the election. Ohio and Alaska even count those who arrived up to ten days later.

However, in many states, election officials are not allowed to start counting them in advance. The extra time needed to take them into account regularly feeds conspiracy theories, as was the case in 2020.

These votes, which tend to lean towards Democrat, can swing a seat if the candidates are close.

Few accidents and minimal deviations

Organizing elections in a huge country with some 333 million inhabitants is, one can imagine, a logistical challenge.

The process rarely goes smoothly. In Arizona, a county’s voting machines then encountered malfunctions that disrupted Tuesday’s voting. Some Republicans saw this as evidence of fraud, a claim immediately rejected by the authorities.

Even without a technical accident, the races can simply be extremely close together, as George W. Bush and Al Gore experienced. And if in doubt, a recount is a must.

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