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“A step towards freedom” – Corriere.it

ROMA “Come on, don’t tell me you’re afraid. Turn away, don’t look at the needle, get distracted … ». Doctor Luigi Fracassi, under the Red Cross tent at Termini Station, is trying to reassure the man sitting in front of him. The AstraZeneca vial is ready, he closes his eyes, just a moment and the first dose is gone. “Doctor, you have a fairy hand,” he says, getting up happy.

Astraday e Astranight: weekend non stop. In Lazio the Anglo-Swedish vaccine has also immunized the curfew, from 8 in the morning to 24 people stand outside in line, waiting for their turn with the virtual ticket stored on the mobile phone: 20 thousand people over 40 they booked last Thursday on the platform Ufirst to receive the long-awaited serum between yesterday and today. After three hours it was already sold out. Paolo Sorrentino, the Oscar-winning director The great beauty,he also got vaccinated. In Viterbo.

Twenty-one hubs mobilized in the region: from the Nuvola di Fuksas to the military city of Cecchignola, from the swimming center of Ostia to the Acea headquarters. «The Open days are proving to be a success – says the governor of Lazio, Nicola Zingaretti -. We continue like this, without stopping ». Upcoming appointments, perhaps, also open to people in their thirties.

The news, however, is that AstraZeneca is no longer scary. Rather. The Romans quickly, as with Marziano by Ennio Flaiano, they seem to have become familiar with the very remote as well thrombotic risk which has been talked about a lot in recent months and so now they can’t wait to get the shot. “For us it is a semblance of salvation,” says Professor Carlo Gelosi, professor at Lumsa. “We will need it to eradicate the third world war, the one with Covid,” adds the retired Emilio De Seta, 74, who waits outside the vax station for his son Giampiero to return.

The vaccinators of Termini (the call for all has already been set for August 1st) confess, at the entrance and even more at the exit, very excited. «One more step towards freedom», says Alessio Traditi, warehouse worker. “Am I afraid? And why should I? – replies the man -. I run more risks doing 50 km round trip on a scooter every day to go to work ».

“We want to do it so that we no longer feel a danger for others, for our grandparents and parents,” says Giusy Di Marsilio. Last summer, for fear of Covid, she chose a hermitage in Tuscany as a holiday destination with her boyfriend, isolated from everything and everyone. This year, perhaps, they will go to Lake Garda. Dr. Anna Caterina Schiavo, a colleague of Dr. Fracassi, after an hour of administration says she has made a statistic on her own: «80% of males are more afraid of the needle than of the side effects of the vaccine, quite the opposite of women …».

Giusy Di Marsilio, for example, has already asked her GP if AstraZeneca carries more risks than the birth control pill. Apparently not. In all, however, there is a great desire to start over, to take back the habits, the old freedom, «Now for me the mask has become like the keys to the house – says Mariagrazia Di Matteo -. Before going out I always check if I have it ». Alessandro Canale, a computer scientist, dreams of being able to return to the restaurant as he used to do “when I arrived at the last minute and asked the owner if he could add a table at the last minute”. Mario Lanti, who works in the cinema, has just had the vaccine and feels great: «I always believed that in the end we would get out of the tunnel».

A day like this, where smiles finally prevail: “I also got the vaccine for dad who died of Covid, I did it for him,” says a woman who prefers not to say his name.

There are many people in line who have seen relatives, friends, colleagues die during this year and a half of the pandemic. Simone Baiano, due to Covid, lost his job, but after a long time he too seems to regain some confidence: “I booked with 3 clicks, first I downloaded the app, then I registered and finally I chose the hub, for once I was lucky ».

Covid vaccine, things to know

In all of them there is an anxiety to save themselves, to finally exorcise the Monster. Giovanni Rempiccia, an official of the Miur, like many others did not have time to book. But try asking at the entrance anyway, you never know: “Isn’t it by chance that you have a dose left over?”. Nothing to do, it will be for next time.


May 15, 2021 (change May 15, 2021 | 22:49)


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