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a stealth transport plane

The companies Airbus, JetZero y Aurora Flight Sciencesa subsidiary of Boeingare collaborating on the design of combined wings for future fleets of tanker and transport aircraft, both commercial and military.

For its part, Aurora is working on a demonstration aircraft called X, which integrates fan technology into the wings. This design aims to provide vertical lift for United States air logistics operations, eliminating the need for a prepared runway. This project was previously presented at the beginning of the current year.

It should be noted that this work of Aurora is carried out independently of the combined wings demonstrator of JetZerowhich has been specifically designed for military transport and resupply functions.

Aurora presents innovative design for an air logistics X aircraft

The company Aurora declares that its new design is part of an initiative to develop an X aircraft, the purpose of which is to “demonstrate the key technologies and integrated concepts that enable a transformative combination of aircraft speed and runway independence.”

Recently, Aurora has released renderings of its vertical lift concept, which “demonstrates scalable technology for air logistics and personnel recovery missions in locations without a prepared runway.”

Besides, Aurora y Boeing They are joining forces to advance technologies that could offer innovative solutions to mobility challenges in competitive environments. The concept Fan-in-wing (FIW) integrates a lift fan with a blended wing fuselage design, allowing the aircraft to perform vertical takeoffs. It is estimated that this capacity can be achieved without compromising either the payload or the aerodynamic efficiency that characterize current fixed-wing aircraft.

Aurora develops the X plane: vertical lift military transport

The X plane Aurora It is classified as a stealth military transport, designed to operate with vertical lift and with a combined wing. Its wingspan will reach 130 feet, while the payload compartment will measure 40 feet. This development is based on a project of the DARPA.

Currently, work is underway on a demonstrator that will be a smaller unmanned vehicle, with a wingspan of 45 feet and a payload capacity that will reach 1,000 pounds. This model will also incorporate commercial turbofan and turboshaft engines, allowing it to reach speeds of up to 450 knots true airspeed (KTAS).

According to Aurora“the technology demonstrated on the SPRINT X aircraft could be expanded to medium and heavy lift aircraft, creating a future family of systems.” Additionally, the company envisions a manned aircraft that will have a wingspan of 130 feet, equipped with four lift fans and a 40-foot cargo compartment. This FIW aircraft model has the potential to match or even exceed the payload capabilities, range and speeds typical of fixed-wing military transport aircraft, while providing the tactical advantage of performing vertical takeoffs and landings.

If the design is successful, the construction of an aircraft with a wingspan of 40 meters and a cargo hold of 12 meters is planned. This future transport would be characterized as high-speed, stealthy and track-independent. Its design could be similar to what is seen in science fiction films such as star wars o Avataralthough without the ability to fly in space.

Aurora advances in testing its X aircraft with ground effect flights

To date, Aurora has completed a test flight focused on ground effect using a model with a 4.6-foot wingspan that features three lift fans. This test flight showed that “the suction effects created by the lift fans in hover were negligible,” along with other relevant results.

The next tests are planned to be conducted in a wind tunnel towards the end of 2024 and early 2025. These tests will use a model aircraft with a full wingspan of 9 feet, as well as an integrated lift fan with a half wingspan of 5 feet. .25 feet to analyze the aerodynamic effects.

The scheduled testing schedule is as follows:

  • 2024: Test of the 4.6-foot model
  • 2024-2025: Wind tunnel testing with 9-foot wingspan
  • 2025: Preliminary Design Review
  • 2027: Flight tests

Preliminary design review is scheduled for April 2025, and flight testing will take place in 2027.

Aurora seeks collaboration for X plane vertical lift system

The identity of the company in charge of developing the vertical lift system for the X airplane Aurora is not clearly defined in the available information. At the moment, Rolls-Roycebased in the United Kingdom, is the only company that manufactures systems HUNDRED (short vertical takeoff and landing) for fighter aircraft, its Lift system the one used in Lockheed Martin F-35B.

In 2018, Rolls-Royce received a contract to collaborate with Aurora in the creation of a VTOL aircraft for DARPA, known as Aurora XV-24 LightningStrikewhich featured an unusual design. A small-scale demonstrator was developed that used a motor turboeje Rolls-Royce AE1107C. However, the project was canceled in 2018.

Aurora develops new aircraft concept for DARPA’s SPRINT program

As part of the program Speed and Runway Independent Technologies (SPRINT) of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Aurora is in the design phase of an innovative aircraft concept.

Among the military development initiatives highlighted by DARPAthere is the Liberty Lifteran ekranoplane that blurs the distinction between plane and ship, optimizing American military logistics.

It has been stated that the united states army It acts as a logistics entity in combat, which is evidenced by the possession of approximately 75% of the world’s aerial refueling tankers.

Although most military forces are configured primarily for the defense of their territory and limited operations in neighboring nations, the US military’s focus is on global power projection. This strategy requires continued significant investment in logistics and military transport aircraft.

Among the projects currently selected by DARPA are found:

  • XRQ-73 (stealth drone)
  • Liberty Lifter (screen plan)
  • Aurora X Plane (mixed wing, VTOL, stealth transport)
  • X-65 (drone)

Creating a new aircraft that integrates stealth vertical takeoff capabilities and a combined wing design is an ambitious goal. This advance could be crucial to ensure that USA maintain your ability to project power in increasingly competitive environments for years to come.

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