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A statue of Georges St-Pierre in his hometown

A pretty park at the entrance of which there is a magnificent life-size bronze statue of the fighter, arranged in an octagonal area which could not be more appropriate.

The brilliance of the whole contrasts with the humility of the athlete.

When you get to 40, you wonder what mark you can leave. What good can I do to inspire people, to give back to the community, said the most famous of isodorians.

It is the greatest honor I have received, bigger than the Hall of Fame.

A quote from:Georges st-pierre

It’s kind of like Rocky, I’ve always been a huge Rocky fan, and to have a statue like that is a dream come true. I hope this is going to be a symbol that can inspire generations to come.

The mayor of St-Isidore confided in his speech that St-Pierre needed to be convinced, stating in passing that he was constantly questioned as to when the small municipality of Montérégie would finally pay tribute to its international star.

business ou le but c'est de faire mal à l'autre. Quand tu exposes ta famille, les gens peuvent se servir de ça parce qu'ils savent que s'ils font mal à ceux que tu aimes, tu sors de tes gonds","text":"Au début, j'étais réticent au projet parce que je n’ai jamais voulu mettre ma vie privée publique, parce que je suis dans une business ou le but c'est de faire mal à l'autre. Quand tu exposes ta famille, les gens peuvent se servir de ça parce qu'ils savent que s'ils font mal à ceux que tu aimes, tu sors de tes gonds"}}">At first, I was reluctant to the project because I never wanted to put my private life public, because I’m in a business where the goal is to hurt another. When you expose your family, people can use that because they know that if they hurt the ones you love, you break your hinges, continued St-Pierre.

Humility or not, there is now a must-see monument in the city where Georges St-Pierre, the child, was bullied.

It was back in school, that’s where I had problems. I never saw myself as a victim. It’s very inspiring for the little guy who is being bullied.

A semi-retirement

Until recently, the name of St-Pierre fueled rumors, especially about a possible boxing fight against Oscar de la Hoya.

My career as a fighter, to be the strongest, as I have done all my life, is over. I will no longer compete to be the strongest fighter on the planet, it’s over, my best years are behind me.

On the other hand, I don’t close the door to competing for entertainment. I am in the entertainment business.

A quote from:Georges st-pierre

Fights that would oppose him to other big stars, who could raise funds for a good cause, and which would generate appetite among amateurs.

business de divertissement. Le UFC, c'est une business à savoir qui est le plus fort pour vrai. Triller (qui aurait fait la promotion du combat contre de la Hoya) c'est plus un divertissement à savoir qu'est-ce ce qui se passerait si deux gars super populaires se battaient ensemble. Il y a de la place pour ces deux formes de divertissement, c'est juste qu'on est en 2021 et c'est une nouvelle façon de faire qui n'existait pas avant, et il faut s'adapter.","text":"C'est une business de divertissement. Le UFC, c'est une business à savoir qui est le plus fort pour vrai. Triller (qui aurait fait la promotion du combat contre de la Hoya) c'est plus un divertissement à savoir qu'est-ce ce qui se passerait si deux gars super populaires se battaient ensemble. Il y a de la place pour ces deux formes de divertissement, c'est juste qu'on est en 2021 et c'est une nouvelle façon de faire qui n'existait pas avant, et il faut s'adapter."}}">It’s an entertainment business. UFC is all about who is really stronger. Triller (who reportedly promoted the de la Hoya fight) is more of an entertainment to know what would happen if two super popular guys got into a fight together. There is room for these two forms of entertainment, it’s just that it’s 2021 and it’s a new way of doing things that didn’t exist before, and you have to adapt.

St-Pierre is still under contract with the UFC, and that’s what’s blocking him for now. He will be released from his chains after five years of retirement.

I could go to court against the UFC, but that doesn’t appeal to me. UFC made me get really rich, and I’m grateful to them.

The veteran was very satisfied with the result.

Photo: The Canadian Press / Paul Chiasson

Some risk

Perhaps until the end of time, the memory of the unveiling, in 2017, of a particularly failed statue of Cristiano Ronaldo will be associated with this type of tribute.

The artist who made the bronze statue, Tali Levesque, had heard about the Portuguese incident.

It was stressful. We had to feel who Georges St-Pierre is in the matter. But his mother is happy, Georges is happy, so I’m happy too, she confided.

Tali is the best. She even put my flaws on the statue. I wish she’d take them off, but she really is the best, launched St-Pierre

Ronaldo’s bust was finally reworked and resumed discreetly at Madeira airport. To avoid the national drama, the next time he can ask for a reference to Georges St-Pierre.

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