Backwards they carried that fantastic number 10 on their backs, Boateng, Pjaca and Eysseric and I could say nothing more, but I think it has now found its worthy place on the jersey worn by our Gaetano Castrovilli. And what better blessing could he have than to inaugurate this journey with a decisive goal that delivers the victory to Fiorentina on the first day of the championship? It will not be a praise with the ham on the eyes because I saw the Castro race very well and I didn’t like it very much and I thought he was the one designated to give way to Borja who was entering. But this is precisely the beauty of football, the unpredictability, the play by the player most in difficulty that can change the course of events and you find yourself muttering about the performance to cheer with joy like a madman. The example is generic and does not refer exactly to Castrovilli but I am happy that he opened the viola dances with a past as a dancer.

The thing that saddens me is not having given number ten the right outline, the audience that he and the team would have deserved, the warmth that was not just the weather. Castro scored under Fiesole and could have run towards the fans to receive an affectionate and benevolent hug for his and our future. Unfortunately, we still can’t go back to the stadium, even if there seem to be openings for a few close friends, a “landing of the 1000” that I didn’t quite understand how it will be managed, and at this new beginning I felt a great melancholy, even greater than that of the end of last season.

I had a great curiosity to see the new Fiorentina and I’m quite happy with what the team showed. In the meantime, the attitude seemed more proactive to me, we played most of the match in the half of the Toro field and we had 6-7 scoring, which long ago it took 2-3 games to put them together. That it then slipped into only one, it doesn’t matter since we won, but also because Sirigu was the best of the grenades. Kouamè had the biggest chances but he had no luck even if he was often found in the opponent’s area. I think this nice guy can give us some satisfactions.

In this victory there is also the hand of Chiesa who, like the goalscorer of the day, had not shone but persevered tenaciously, made kilometers on the wing and packaged an assist to the kiss for Castrovilli. I have not yet understood what his future will be, but it is obvious that good players are fundamental for the growth of a team and I confess that his behavior does not seem to me that of a man eager to leave Florence.

The thing that makes me smile is that I am “forced” to say that the best of the match was Biraghi who I found particularly inspired, his crosses did not end up at the Campo di Marte station, one could have been a goal assist for Kouamè , and had also unfortunately scored offside. I’ve never had a great deal of sympathy for this player, but I’m ready to change my mind.

I just hope that this “good first” does not deceive anyone on the real possibilities of Fiorentina, because I have heard some commentators speak of our team as the probable surprise of the championship. I would wish it with all my heart but I am not deluding myself. We remain with our feet on the ground, well planted and ready to play good games to take away as much satisfaction as possible.

The Lady in Purple

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