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A specialist who insures dreams – risControl! ONLine! Premium

Schloss Neudau

Who has not dreamed of living high up in a castle steeped in history as the lord of the castle? Or, as a castle owner, you can stroll through your own park in the mild evening breeze. The many palaces, castles and complexes that can make some people dream of appear from wildly romantic to dark and secret. The moss-covered roof area, the hand-blown window glass and the fountain from the 17th century. When reality suppresses the dream, thoughts such as monument protection, renovation costs and liability problems arise. If reality does not have to suppress the dream, but rather combines both, then the specialist comes into play. In this issue Alexander Kottulinsky, Managing Director of KOTAX Insurance Systems.

Alexander Kottulinsky, President of Austria’s Burgenverein, lives in Styria on an estate that has been in his family for generations. He was born in the cradle that his heart beats for palaces, castles and historic properties.

When do you think a specialist is needed?

As soon as a building to be insured is listed. Because monument protection creates prerequisites that have to be taken into account during restoration as well as security. In monument protection there are clear guidelines as to which materials must be used. As a rule, tradespeople have to be familiar with “old” working methods, for example: It is many times more expensive to manufacture and install a box window. But this is necessary in order to do justice to the protection of monuments and the claim to the historical preservation value. These circumstances must be taken into account in the sum insured. The issue of liability must also be taken into account. Insuring a historic building is not the same as insuring a large house. There are subtleties that need to be taken into account, and here it is better to turn to someone who has been dealing with the matter for years.

This means that your knowledge cannot be limited to the area of ​​insurance; it is necessary for you to also deal with monument protection and the history of the objects to be insured.

There is extensive knowledge that I or we have acquired in our office. I was born with a love for old objects. My ancestors married a building in Styria in the 18th century, as was customary at the time. We have owned and lived with this house ever since. We remodel, we restore, we live with a feeling for and feeling for the material. You know very quickly where the weaknesses are and where something can happen. The specifications of the monument protection contradict the specifications of the constantly new building regulations. As the owner of a historical building you always sit between two laws, one requires a handrail in the stairwell, the other refuses it with hands and feet. That is why it is important to properly equip the liability insurance contract so that there is no indemnity in the event of damage. As an example: The official requirements require a snow catcher on the roof, the monument protection is against it, in the event of damage caused by a roof avalanche, it must be ensured that the insurance cannot evade the service because the building regulations are not complied with.

More on this in the current risControl Print.

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