Home » News » A Spanish soldier dies in a tactical exercise in Poland – 2024-04-26 04:33:57

A Spanish soldier dies in a tactical exercise in Poland – 2024-04-26 04:33:57

A Spanish soldier died this Monday in Poland during a tactical exercise with live fire, has reported on his account X the Army and Defense sources have confirmed.

It is about the cape B.G.P.A.belonging to the Ceuta 54 Regular Group, and died during an exercise in that country.

“In this moment of immense sadness for all the components of the Army, we want to express our most sincere condolences and unconditional support to his family and colleagues from Tabor I of the Group of Regulars of Ceuta. His memory and dedication to the Homeland will always remain present in our hearts,” the message adds.

Sánchez offers his condolences to the military man’s family

The president of the Government, Pedro Sanchezhas conveyed its “sincere condolences to the family and friends of the Spanish corporal who died today in an accident in Poland during some maneuvers of the I’LL TAKE. A heartfelt hug for his colleagues from Tabor I of the Group of Regulars of Ceuta and the entire Army family,” he also wrote on the social network. X.

According to military sources, the deceased was a native of Ecuador and had two daughters. She joined the Army in 2004 and had the Bronze Cross for Consistency in Service and the Operation Balmis Commemorative Medal, the one developed during the pandemic.

The event, which a judge will investigate, took place on the Polish maneuvering field Bemowo Piskie, during the ‘Saber Strike’ exercise, integrated into the ‘Steadfast Defender 24’ maneuver, in which several allied countries participate. EFE

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