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A “space of hope” awaits the Lebanese… An expert talks about positive indicators!

“Lebanon Debate”

Financial and economic expert Dr. Anis Abu Diab believes that, “For merchants, the month of December represents 33% of their annual sales volume, which means that a third of their annual sales take place in this month, i.e. month 12.”

In an interview with “Lebanon Debate,” Abu Diab is counting on “the Lebanese expatriate who may come during the holiday holidays, as confirmed by expatriate reservations in travel companies, which are still in place, which he considers a good indicator.”

He pointed out that “this season will be different from the previous ones, as there are no reservations for foreign tourists, but if the truce continues in the Gaza Strip, which was reflected on the Lebanese front, it can be said that the season may pass with the least possible losses.”

He pointed out, “Merchants were counting on a promising and better season, but today we can say that we have entered the 12th month and decorations are still somewhat shy. This is something we can understand after what happened that began on October 7 and is still continuing.”

He stressed that “the loss exists, but it is not as great as expected, especially since we entered into a truce that lasted 4 days and was extended for two days, and now there is talk about another extension of the truce, as there are envoys from abroad. The Qatari envoy came to Lebanon, and the French envoy arrives tomorrow.” “Thus, all of these indicators ease the existing tension and provide a space of hope for the holiday season.”

Abu Diab concluded by saying: “It was expected since the summer that the holiday season would be promising, but that was not the case, because of what happened in Gaza and was directly reflected on the southern front.”

2023-11-28 10:38:21
#space #hope #awaits #Lebanese.. #expert #talks #positive #indicators

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