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A sign of ‘Doomsday’ if Aurora reaches Indonesia


Scientists say, it may be a phenomenon aurora can be seen in equatorial countries including Indonesia, but there are risks. The effect that happens on the satellite is ‘doomsday’ internet apocalypse.

As stated by Professor of Astronomy at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) Dhani Herdiwijaya in the Bosscha Observatory upload, auroras have been observed in Japan. It happened in 1858, after the strongest solar storm, Hurricane Carrington.

“Regarding the appearance of the aurora, historically it can reach Japan (20 degrees latitude), that is during the strongest solar storm recorded on September 1-2, 1859,” said Prof. Dhani.




There have been no reports of auroras reaching the equator, although auroras have reached Japan. However, it is possible that this phenomenon reaches areas on the equator. Note that the solar storm that occurs must be stronger than the 1859 storm.

“But if that happens in the current period, it is certain that there will be a satellite apocalypse / Internet apocalypse, meaning that more than 80 percent of satellites will die,” he explained.

Quoted from CNN Indonesia, solar storm of 1859 the largest space tsunami ever recorded to date. At that time, astronomers were surprised by the increase in the number of spots on the sun’s disk. Among these scientists, was Richard Carrington, who was an amateur astronomer in a small town called Redhill, near London, England.

On September 1, 1859, Carrington was blinded by a sudden flash of light while sketching sunspots. He described it as a ‘beacon of white light’. The phenomenon lasted about 5 minutes. The flare was later named a Corona Mass Ejection (CME). In 17.6 hours, the CME passed more than 150 million kilometers between the Sun and the Earth and released power to the Earth.

A day after that incident, there was a geomagnetic storm on Earth. The storm caused chaos in the telegraph system and unusual displays of auroras occurred in tropical areas. This phenomenon was also recorded as the most powerful solar storm to date.


2024-10-28 13:44:00
#sign #Doomsday #Aurora #reaches #Indonesia

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