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A shadow that illuminates us

Wow, solar eclipses are paradoxical, produced by a lunar shadow (that freezes my skin as it passes?) that illuminates more than it darkens, as it allows scholars to acquire new knowledge, such as when helium was discovered or when verifying the theory of relativity or confirming that the rotation of our planet is slowing down.

For thousands of years these phenomena, being unpredictable and inexplicable, caused terror because the powerful Sun, the greatest deity for many peoples, suddenly lost strength, was overshadowed, practically annulled, and the only interpretation they found was that it was It was a harbinger of greater cataclysms, such as earthquakes, droughts, great floods or the end of humanity.

It is not that these fears have been extinguished, because today there are still people on this planet who believe in myths that predict, for example, malformations for fetuses, including cleft palate, and recommend that pregnant women protect yourself with colorful and secure strips for clothes.

There are numerous other myths, even though scientists clarify that an eclipse does not cause any of that. But followers of magical thinking are a minority that becomes smaller with each scientific discovery.

Fortunately for us, what has prospered is the conviction that a phenomenon like that of Monday the 8th is a natural event in which we can rejoice.

Almost 33 years ago, on July 11, 1991 (Capicúa year), the oldest of us watched in amazement as the day gave way to a brief night, which lasted much less than the Small nocturnal serenade from Mozart. And that same day, in real time, something was announced that experts had already reported decades before: that a similar occultation would occur in 2024, on a precise date and time, and we thought: well, we will have to prepare.

And thousands of young Mexicans in their twenties remember that when they were studying in primary school they read in their textbooks that this will happen, and surely they considered something similar to what we old people told ourselves: we will have to witness it.

On the eve of this new astronomical episode, the telescopes are ready and point towards the sky with the precise inclination. Cameras are already equipped with the required filters and lens artists are getting ready to capture memorable images. And we remember the verses of Antonio Machado: thinking of his olive grove, and he looks at the sky / with a restless eye, if the rain is late. And somewhere there will be those who with a restless eye look at clouds in the sky and hope that they dissipate, at least this Monday.

There are concerts that attract thousands of fans and tours that attract hundreds of thousands. There are books that millions have read, in their original language and in translations ( The Quijote, The little Prince, One hundred years of loneliness). Leonardo painted The Giocondawatched by countless followers.

That is, human beings seek to embed beauty in our existence and in that of others, from which some create literature, painting, graffiti, origami, photography or sculpture, and others create musical, choreographic, architectural or cinematographic works. And for some more, what is rewarding and beautiful is doing mathematics or astronomy or any other science. Or artistic gymnastics or diving or sport x. Or they have picnics or parties at home or countless recreational activities.

All of this feeds the spirit, but perhaps what many of us enjoy most is what nature gives us: a rainbow, rain, a sunset, the flight of a hummingbird or that of a butterfly (which is like a floating flower), the brightness of the Moon or an aurora. And among all those gifts the greatest is a total eclipse of the Sun.

The arts, science, work, sports, recreational activities, all human creations are perfect to enjoy our time as we wait and prepare to contemplate the next episode of this sidereal romance that is the conjunction of the Sun and Moon.

#shadow #illuminates
– 2024-04-20 02:15:16

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