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A servile speech – PublicoGT

Mario Rodríguez Acosta

Giammattei appeared at the United Nations General Assembly with a servile speech, to remind the United States of the services he provides, in exchange for that country’s support for the coup d’état underway.

With incredible audacity typical of a professional mythomaniac, he said that everything is going well in Guatemala, he even asserted that he will leave office next year and hand over the presidency on January 14, no matter what happens. And he presented it as an achievement, not as an obligation.

Nor could there be a lack of condemnation of Russia, support for Ukraine and the call for Taiwan to be allowed to enter the United Nations with full rights.

With the pose of a statesman, but with total impudence, he asked that the nations of the world increase the international fight against drug trafficking and human trafficking, when his government coexists with organized crime and allows the transfer of drugs and people. in a shameless way.

Beyond the evident disinterest of many countries in the world in what is happening in Guatemala, Giammattei’s speech attempted to manage the coup with the State Department, and he did so directly, assuming leadership of the coup d’état.

He turned to the big issues that American diplomacy is interested in and that have priority on its agenda. He did it by lying, and to do so he relied on the Jewish lobby, the defenders of the war, the fascist right and the anti-Chinese. In the end he asked the world, without direct mention, for a clear path for the continuity of corruption and impunity in the country.

Those of us who heard the speech wondered if it was the Guatemala we know that the president was referring to. Maybe we live in another country, but it is clear that whoever spoke at the United Nations was a professional liar. A shameless mythomaniac. The main coup plotter.


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