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A series of talks dedicated to Juris Kronbergs ‘We and Juri…’ will take place

The platform “Latvian Literature” and the International House of Writers and Translators are launching a cycle of talks “We with Yuri…”, dedicated to the poet Juris Kronberg, who would have turned 75 this year.

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According to the organizers of “Delfi”, the first conversation of the cycle “We with Yuri in the bar” will take place this Saturday, September 4, at 6.30 pm in the bar “Aleponija”.

Juris Kronbergs (1946–2020) was a poet, translator, cooler and a wide range of cultural personalities – as many said and would still say, a “bridge” between Latvia and Sweden and vice versa. Kronberg’s literary heritage includes a collection of 16 poems, five poetry selections and more than 60 translations – both from Swedish to Latvian and from (and not only) Latvian to Swedish. Kronbergs has translated and cooled the works of Vizma Belševica, Aleksandrs Čaks, Knuts Skujenieks, Inga Ābele, Nora Ikstena and many other well-known Latvian authors.

“It is said that a person lives as long as he is remembered. But in Jura’s case it sounds too stiff and sensitive? He touched every conversation and action with his unique personality and humor, and even the most serious things immediately took on a chronologically fun spirit. Imitate it, of course, it is not possible, but in the cycle of conversations “We with Yuri…”, which could also be called “We (p) with Yuri…”, we will meet with Juris Kronberg’s friends, colleagues, like-minded people from different stages of his life to share memories and talk about the impressions that Juris and his poetry have left in everyone ‘s life, and we will try to do it a little lightly, “the organizers point out.

In the first conversation “We with Yuri at the bar”, the poet and Kronbergs’ long-time friend, co-operation partner Guntars Godiņš, Kronbergs’ poetry publisher for children, poetess Inese Zandere, as well as poet Jānis Elsbergs – Kronbergs’ much translated poet Vizmas Belševicas The event will be moderated by literary critic and writer Elīna Kokareviča.

Admission to the event on presentation of a valid Covid-19 certificate attesting to the fact of vaccination or illness, together with an identity document.

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