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A secret increase in autoimmune diseases: Your body is screaming

Conventional medicine considers these diseases to be “idiopathic”, that is, without an unknown cause. These diseases include diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Sjögren’s Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue, Crohn’s Disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.

Why can’t the cause be found?

Despite advances in medicine, the cause of these diseases is not clear because there is no single cause. Rather, it is a complex combination of several factors that lead to a severe weakening of the immune system. These factors can range from genetic predisposition to environmental toxins, from nutritional disorders to hormonal imbalances.

Why is Management Therapy so successful?

Management Medicine, also known as Biological Medicine, is so effective because it takes into account the interaction of different causes with a holistic approach and considers the intestines as the main regulator of the immune system. The gut plays a central role in the body’s immune response so balancing gut flora is central to the treatment of autoimmune diseases.

The main factors that are often seen in autoimmune diseases are:

  • Heavy metal loading: Accumulation of heavy metals, especially mercury and lead, in the body can lead to chronic inflammation of tissues and connective cells.
  • Disorders of intestinal flora and intestinal mucosa: Poor intestinal health can cause the immune system to react incorrectly.
  • Food intolerances and food sensitivities: The body can become hypersensitive to certain foods, contributing to chronic inflammation.
  • Candida Albicans: This yeast fungus, which grows over the gut, can suppress the immune system by producing toxins.
  • Hormone imbalances and autonomic nervous system disorders: Hormone imbalances and disorders in the nervous system can cause immune responses to function abnormally.
  • Dental diseases and chronic inflammation of the jaws: Hidden infections in this area can re-stimulate the immune system and lead to autoimmune responses.

Acidic toxin load accumulated in connective tissue and chronic inflammation: Connective tissue acts as an area where the body stores various toxins and acids. Accumulation of heavy metals, environmental toxins and harmful substances that are taken through nutrition in these substances leads to chronic inflammatory processes. This chronic inflammation can continuously stimulate the immune system, leading to the emergence or worsening of autoimmune diseases. Therefore, detoxification treatment and connective tissue cleansing are essential in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.

Diet to eliminate personalization and the importance of proper nutrition: Proper nutrition in the management of autoimmune diseases should be tailored to the individual needs of the patient. Instead of a cursory elimination diet, food sensitivities, allergies and intolerances should be determined through a personalized analysis, and even possible pathogens such as candida should be detected. A nutrition plan created as a result of these analyzes can balance the immune system and control inflammatory processes.

The importance of neural healing and vital nutrition: Neuraltherapy is an effective way to help regulate the nervous system in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. This treatment restores the electrical balance of nerves and cells, reduces inflammation, and helps the immune system to return to normal function. Neurotherapy can break the cycle of chronic pain by regulating nerve cells, particularly with local anesthetic injections, and allowing the immune system to regain balance.

Vital nutrition and orthomolecular therapy play a vital role in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. By providing the body with the vitamins, minerals, trace elements and essential fatty acids, cellular activity is supported and inflammatory processes are reduced. When deficiencies in these nutrients are corrected, the immune system is strengthened and the general health condition of the patient improves.

Magnetic Field Therapy and Other Complementary Methods: Magnetic field therapy can reduce inflammation and support the body’s natural healing processes by increasing cellular energy production. This treatment is extremely important, especially as an adjunct in the management of chronic inflammation and autoimmune diseases.

Acupuncture, ozone therapy and other complementary medicine methods can be applied alone. These treatments regulate the body’s energy flow, cleanse toxins and balance the immune system, speeding up the patient’s healing process.

Conclusion: Autoimmune diseases are conditions that must be treated with a complex and multifaceted approach. Great successes are being achieved in the management of autoimmune diseases with management therapy, neural therapy, proper nutrition, critical nutritional support and other complementary therapies. Determining the underlying causes and creating personalized treatment plans play a vital role in improving patients’ quality of life and controlling disease processes.

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2024-08-25 08:34:13
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