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“A second wave can be avoided”

The Coronavirus emergency returns to scare, but the WHO director, Ranieri Guerra, is confident and says it can be avoided.

WHO director remains confident on second wave (photo Getty)

The latest bulletin on the infections of Civil protection aroused great concern. In fact, the infections have again exceeded a thousand units with the country that has returned to fear the Coronavirus and a possible second wave. To give support to the Italian people, however, the words of the deputy director of theWorld Health Organization (WHO), Ranieri Guerra.

In fact, on the Coronavirus issue, the director Ranieri Guerra gave an interview to Corriere della Sera. His words were sincere and perhaps even comforted all those who fear a new lockdown. In fact, Guerra said it is possible to mitigate a new wave and it is not even said to arrive. Ranieri Guerra then continued by stating that today we have the knowledge that was missing at the beginning of the pandemic.

Furthermore, for Guerra, the number of cases exceeding a thousand is not a symptom of a new wave, but could also simply be one increase in tampons e better diagnoses.

Coronavirus, Guerra says: “The increase in infections was expected”

Coronavirus War
Ranieri Guerra on the increase in cases (via screenshot)

On the Coronavirus theme, the words of Ranieri Guerra they are a real sign of hope. During his long interview, the director then stated that the increase in infections was expected, in fact there was talk of new wave in September for several months already, while a new increase in aggravated cases can be prevented, given the methods used in recent months to treat the virus.

The director added that with schools open, there will be a new and inevitable increase in cases, as it is impossible for students to avoid physical contact. Ranieri Guerra attests that up to 10-11 years they are less contagious while you give 12 years they have the same contagiousness as adults.

We will see if with the return to school the words of Guerra will be prophetic, with a new inevitable increase in cases in conjunction with the return to school.


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