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“A second confinement in winter is not excluded”

While the National Security Council is preparing to announce, this Friday, the future stages of deconfinement in Belgium, this does not mean that we can in the coming weeks live completely as before. Reinforcement of measures is possible at any time.

“We hope that there will be no second containment, but it is not excluded,” confirmed Steven Van Gucht Thursday evening on VTM in remarks transcribed by 7sur7. “Even if it will be difficult to go back, if it is necessary, it is necessary,” he continued, explaining that winter 2020 could be “a critical period”.

Same story from Sophie Wilmès this Thursday in the Chamber: “We can not give guarantees, only prospects. A step back is never excluded. If it appears that the spread of the virus is not no longer under control, we will have to reverse. “

Moreover, in its final note given to politicians, the group of experts responsible for studying deconfinement specifies that several conditions must be met for deconfinement to continue:

  • Keeping the number of hospitalizations down, with a maximum of 200 new admissions per day
  • 25,000 PCR tests must be carried out daily, so that people with symptoms and their contacts can be tested, while continuing to conduct tests in risk areas (hospitals, nursing homes, etc.)
  • Establishment of a staff of 2,000 people to follow up on positive people
  • Preventive measures must be taken in schools and in the workplace
  • Awareness of the population that it is necessary to get used to “a new normal”, by reducing human contact and by wearing the mask.

Proof that nothing is taken for granted, “hospitals must continue to prepare for a second wave”, concludes Steven Van Gucht.

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